Archie's band

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"Wow! Nice furniture Archie" Oliver comments looking at Archie's barcalounger.

"Yeah! This soap even smells great, " Tea exclaims, peeping out of the bathroom.

"I still can't believe you moved in here!" Mai says, hugging him. "I know, this place is much bigger than my old apartment, and besides, I'm so much closer to you guys now." He responds, hugging her back.

"Why is there a painting of the middle finger?" Tea asks, pointing to the art painted my Archie himself.

"THOSE ARE MOUNTAINS!" He cries back. "You drew the second one taller than the rest." Alex states, examining the painting. "It's called modern art." Archie replies.

"Also, hey, why do you have a butt shaped lamp?" Oliver asks, laughing. "That's a heart shape!" Archie yells.

The gang takes a moment to sink in their view of Archie's new place.

"Oh wait, you guys! Let's have a sleepover." Tea suggests.

"But I just moved in -" Archie begins

"That's a great idea! I'm free tonight." Alex says.

"You're free every time! Besides guys, I don't even have a bed -"

"Perfect! Let me just drive over to my place and get some pillows and blankets, Tea join me!" Oliver exclaims. Tea hops on his back for a piggyback.

"Ooo! I can cook something nice." Mai says. "Now that I won't object." Archie states.

As Oliver opens the door, he's greeted by a bunch of hyper-eager, overexcited hippies. "Oh my God! You dyed your hair orange?" A girl about Tea's height, curly brown hair, with a guitar slung over her chest, ruffles Oliver's hair.

"I'm here!" Archie exclaims excitedly.

Oliver fixes his hair and looks at the happy gang that looks like they should be in cheerleading practice.

The guy about Archie's height comes over to give Mai a hug.

"Good to meet you, Eric." She says, hugging him back.

"Ooooo! Eric? Does mom have a boyfriend?" Alex and Tea sing.

"We went to the same business school, you guys." She says, rolling her eyes.

"So great to meet you guys finally!" Another guy exclaims. He's also super tall, has a mullet, and is sporting a graphic T-shirt with a picture of a ponytail sporting Archie and the rest of his ex-middle school gang who look like they belong in a geeky band.

"You have such tall neighbours!" Tea exclaims. "Oh no, they're my middle school buddies! Here are Eric, Rose, and Tarun!" He introduces the new bunch to the gang.

"Oh hi, I'm -" Alex begins when the short girl announces the names of the gang. Well, kind of

"Oh, let me guess! You must be the hot one, Alex. You're Mai, Eric's old friend. You're the dumb one, Tea. And you... you must be the transgender! Are you still transitioning? I can't wait to meet Laura!" She exclaims, pointing at "Laura"

"Um, I'm Oliver." He says, shifting uncomfortably. "And I'm not dumb!" Tea says.

"Oh, but that's how Archie introduced you guys."

Oliver and Tea glare at Archie, who bursts out laughing. Soon, Rose also starts laughing. "Of course! I was just messing with ya. Tea, You're our favourite, and I know that you're Oliver, Oliver!" She says, wiping a tear.

Oliver sighs of relief, and Tea's smile returns to her face.

"Do you guys want to hang out? Or we could come over another time." Eric says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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