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In 2015 the world came crashing down when a disease struck. The whole world went into lockdown, people were forced to stay in their homes, stores closed, businesses went bankrupt. People lost their jobs, home's and families. This disease whipped out fifty percent of the population, after the first few months the deaths were normal, but soon things took a turn. The dead began to rise, digging themselves up from the ground, they began their hunt, turning others into biters. People were forced to kill their friends and family if they were bitten.

After a few years the population moved into bunkers underground, while they formulated a plan to save the human race. Over the years more monsters emerged, hunting each other, killing anyone and anything they could get their jaws on. It was clear the simple times were over, no more kidnapping, or gun violence, just mass chaos and death. Parents were torn away from their kids, siblings ripped apart, families broken. In 2050 the bunkers became overcrowded as more babies were being born but there was no room for them.

The government decided that humans can't stay on earth, so all the scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and military personnel were made to live on old military bases. Working day and night to build a better future for humankind, creating a space station big enough to support half of the current population.

Only the rich could afford to live on the station, but they had to go through a screening process to ensure they weren't sick, many were turned down. Those who were lucky enough to make it on the station tried their best to forget about their lives on the planet.

Over the years earth became a distant memory even though you could see it from the station, which was named Babylon. It became a source of entertainment for those on Babylon, a sick and twisted kind. Children learned about earth as if it was a place from a fantasy book, a new frontier for them to explore. Humans started mining asteroids for materials and more. They sent spaceships into space to find a new home for humans, only they were never heard from again. The ones abandoned on earth became hateful toward those on the space station, angry we left them behind.

More time passed and the bunkers ran out of food and started breaking down, the people were forced to leave in search of food and shelter. It didn't take long for them to form gangs and mark territory, fighting each other over land. Children were slaughtered in the name of survival, or left for dead after watching their parents die.

As time continued to pass on by the air became unbreathable forcing them to wear masks with filters. Gangs became unreliable, unsafe, so a new form of governing themselves rose in popularity. Mafia's became more powerful, focused on a tight knit community, schools were made for kids, old towns and cities became the safest place to live and they put fences around them. They would have whole buildings dedicated to farming crops.

Their diets became nuts, fruits, and vegetables with very little meat. There was no more war with them around. All the leaders talked to each other ensuring everyone was safe. Every time a new creature was spotted they would hunt it down and take it for examination to see if it's deadly or not, or could be used as food. Zombies became rare as they found how to stop them from rising.

People in Babylon called these people rebels because of their violence and would send down drones to follow and capture moments of their lives, and as sick as it is, sometimes their deaths.

Now in the year 2250 with no luck of finding a new home, scientists started working on a new project but refused to tell anyone what they are working on.

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