Chapter two

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They upped my training after mom went missing, now I was at school from 4 AM to 8 PM. I'm becoming sore, and tired. I'm sick of this non-stop work and constant stress. However, today feels very different. They gave me the day off, Dad said they found some outstanding evidence as to where Mom is. He's at the police station today talking with them about the case while I'm home alone.

I decided to make lunch but I wasn't too motivated to eat, everything just seems to taste off these past few days. I'm not sure why, maybe I'm getting sick. I settled on some soup hoping it would taste decent at the very least. It took me a minute to find canned soup from the pantry as we have a lot of canned vegetables and stuff. I pour it into a bowl and pop it into the microwave for two and a half minutes. While it's cooking I set up a tv tray near the couch, I turned on the tv and Life and Death was on again. I swear that show is always on, it gets on my nerves. The microwave makes a ding telling me my soup is ready, I grab a hand towel to wrap around it so I don't burn my fingerprints off. I laugh at the thought.

Taking a seat on the couch I grab the remote for the tv and start flicking through the channels, but there was nothing else on. I eventually found myself watching Life and Death and eating my soup. I finished the bowl slowly, as usual it tasted off. Eventually I laid down and rested my head on a pillow propped up against the arm of the couch. I watched a couple episodes of Life and Death, in truth I hated every minute of it but I was too tired to grab the remote. I watched as the drowns flew over the towns made by the rebels showing kids playing in the streets and people mulling about. Then it cut to a commotion just outside the town, there were several people with guns shooting at what looked like a big dog. Then the dog grabbed one of the people and shook his head violently, blood started to pour out of the injury. Suddenly a woman probably no older than me came out with a much stronger gun and shot the beast in the head. It died almost instantly, I rolled over unable to watch it any longer. Somehow I ended up falling asleep.


"Ace, wake up" a voice called in the darkness. I ignored it, but then I felt someone shaking me awake. "Hey wake up" said the voice again this time louder. Eventually I peeled my eyes open and saw my father standing there, next to him was Coach. I sat up and rubbed my eyes a bit, yawning as I turned to face them.

"What time is it?" I ask, Coach never comes to my house. She reaches out and puts her hand on my forehead.

"She has a fever, Frank," Coach says to my Dad. I watch him nod and grab the bowl from earlier. "It's 6:30, how long have you been asleep?" she asked me.

"Maybe four hours." I yawn again "what's happening?" I ask.

"She just wanted to see how you are doing with all of this" I heard dad yell from the kitchen.

"How about we get you to your room?" she asks and I nod.

She helps me to my room and tells me to change my clothes and get in bed while she goes and talks to my dad. I throw on my favorite Carhart hoodie and some boxers, then I climb under the covers and make my little nest. I locate my favorite frog plush and hold it close to my chest. Eventually she comes back to the room with a cup of water and two pills.

"Take these, they'll help you feel better" She says handing them to me. I take them easily without the need for water. I looked back at Coach and saw a shocked expression had planted itself on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Please just drink the water" she hands me the glass. "You know it's dangerous to take pills without water, right? '' she finishes.

"I know, but I'm tired" I know it's dangerous but I really don't care.

"Just get some sleep, I'll tell them you're not coming in tomorrow" She states. I watch her get up and walk out. She flicks the lights off as she leaves my room. I still don't really understand why she came to my house instead of calling or passing a message through my dad. Like I said, she never comes to my house, even when my parents invite her to dinner.

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