Chapter Six

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 I awoke to the steady beeping of a heart monitor. As my consciousness slowly returned to me, the fog that had clouded my mind gradually cleared. I let out a groan as the bright fluorescent lights blinded me. I realized the chill as goosebumps appeared on my skin. As I tried to embrace myself, my wrists were bound by a fastened object. Looking down, it was the restraints that bound me to the bed.

"You'll stay warm with this," Luz said, draping a woolen blanket over me. "Sorry, I had to take it off for a bit. I was just checking your bite," she started quietly. Luz took out a remote and pushed a button. Soon I was being lifted into a sitting position.

Moving my head around, I take in my surroundings. The room was big and open, with some metal beams spread around the space. The entire room was white with the horrible fluorescent lights hanging down, casting odd shadows. There were more beds lined up against the two side walls and then two more rows in the middle of the room. On the back wall, there are counters and cabinets with rolling metal trays, as well as a few rolling chairs. I am the only one here, which is a good thing I guess. They don't wanna risk the safety of their people. My bed was at the very back corner of the room, close to the nursing station.

"Jinx will be by in a few to talk to you," Luz said, finishing up whatever she was doing. She walked away and some strange feeling took over me. It was like I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want to be alone, but I've always been alone so why now do I feel this way? As she gets closer to the door, I panic and blurt out.

"Wait!" She stopped and turned to me, surprised. "Are you guys mad at me for making you go all that way to get me?" I was terrified to know the answer. I watched as she started walking toward me again, stopping only a few feet away. She was about to answer when the door opened with a big bang, making me jump. We both looked and saw Jinx and Rogue walking to the bed. I panicked as they got closer to me, hoping they would not kill me. Jinx pulled up a chair and sat next to me, and took my hand in hers without saying a word.

"Rogue has some questions for you and then me, you, and Luz are all going to talk privately." She said, looking me in the eye. For the first time, I actually noticed what color eyes she had. They were a deep blue color. I looked away and nodded my head.

Rogue started clearing his throat. "Right. Ace, can you tell me who the people who took you are?" He was very intimidating, like Jinx.

"I. I. Uh, I didn't really see them that well." I half lied. If you showed me pictures of them, I could easily pick them out, but I have learned from passed tests that it was never a good idea to snitch on people who clearly held a higher power than you. The punishment for that one was especially harsh. I swallow hard, trying to keep my composure. I can't show any more weakness.

"Was the blood on the wall yours?" he asked. I nodded again, keeping my head down. "How did it get there?" he questioned further.

"I couldn't sleep, so I started my normal training." I stared blankly. Jinx squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"What exactly were you doing to 'train' exactly?" He asked. I was embarrassed to admit the true nature of my training because I know not everyone trains that way.

"I was punching the wall." Was all I said, and immediately Jinx took the blanket off my hand and examined my knuckles. I looked down too because in all the chaos, I had actually forgotten about them. They were purple and red with infected cuts and blisters. I grimaced at the sight.

"Rogue, I think that's enough questions for today. We need to have our private conversation now." Jinx said, looking over to Luz, who nodded and went to the cabinets and started pulling supplies. I watched Rogue walk out, then I turned my attention back to Luz. She pulled up another rolling chair along with a rolling metal tray.

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