Chapter 7

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As I step through the ropes and into the boxing ring, a sudden shiver of anticipation courses through my body.

Tyler's eyes are locked with mine, his big callused hand pulling me close to him. His touch is firm and reassuring, but I can't help but notice how much taller and stronger he is in comparison to me.

In any other situation, I'd feel intimidated. Yet, something, deep inside me, tells me Tyler would never hurt me. Which is a scary thought, considering we've just met.

Still, I'm totally out not my element.

The only thing keeping me root the spot is Tyler's eyes.

Damn! How is he so handsome?

I swear I try to look away.

But I can't.

The sound of people working out fades in the background, and I find myself lost in his spell again. Awareness of him prickles across my skin, and I wonder what the hell I'm doing here. He exudes such a palpable magnetism; a silent demand that pulls me to him in a way I can't quite explain.

"You're shaking." I hear him murmur and realize that my heart is beating way too fast; that we're standing too close.

Way too close.

Close enough to know how divine he smells like a mix of something crisp and fresh, and surprisingly addictive.

Close enough to examine his dark eyebrows and see how his long and thick eyelashes tangle at the edges as they frame his intense brown eyes.

Close enough to see the slight bend in his nose and the way his puffy ears add even more interest to his rugged yet so handsome features.

Close enough to see how he towers over me, studying my face in a way that lets me know he's as curious about me as I am about him.

Close enough to question my sanity for a moment.

Shit! What the hell is wrong with me?

Detangling my hand from his hold, I clear my throat, putting some distance between us. "I can't believe you convinced me to come up here."

A hint of a smile plays out on his lips. "I'll go easy on you. I promise."

"Right." I manage a smile of my own, forcing myself not to fidget under his gaze. I've dealt with my fair share of charming and handsome men at work. I shouldn't feel so nervous around him. "So... self-defense?" I look around the ring before bringing my eyes back to him.

"Yeah." His gaze slides over my face. "Unlike Martial Arts, self-defense is not a sport. Its focus is not on perfecting techniques but on being able to react. We want you to stay in control by either avoiding confrontation or fighting off an attacker."

My eyes widen, then narrow. "Fighting off an attacker?"

Nodding, he continues, "Yeah. First, by staying mentally in control. Sometimes being vocal or assertive is all you'll need."

"But in situations like the one I lived the other day...?"

His eyes soften, probably remembering how I froze that day."You might need to apply some physical force."

"I just... I hate violence. Do you really think I can make this work?" I ask, knowing too well that standing up to yourself is never that simple.

He tilts his head to the side, a mix of curiosity and wonder in his eyes. "In a life or death situation, shouldn't we lean on the side of giving self-defense  the benefit of the doubt?"

Looking around, I see a group of women talking and laughing, all of them apparently having a good time while cooling off with bottles of sports drinks. I let out a deep breath as I look back at him. "I guess it could be worth a try?"

"Or the fight, right? "An amused grin leaves his lip.

"You really believe you can teach me how to hit someone?" I cross my arms over my chest, the sarcasm in my voice making him raise his eyebrows.

"Hitting someone in the chest might not accomplish much, but a palm strike to the nose will hurt anyone, no matter how big or muscular they are." He crosses his arms over his chest like me, but the commanding way in his posture makes him way too attractive for my liking.

"So, you're saying I can't take someone like you down, but I can hurt you somehow?" I raise my chin, and he lets out a full-blown smile this time. One that reaches his eyes and transforms his face, making him look younger and much more carefree. And so hot, I instinctively look away. 

"I'm saying you can always fight back," he says.

Shaking my head, I look back at him. "And what happens when I freeze again and there's no knight in shining armor to save me?" 

"Practice." He shrugs.  "Faced with a threat, the brain's circuitry causes people to freeze. Overcoming this impulse requires rewiring the mind and acquiring a new reflex-- to fight."

My stomach twists into a knot as images of my father grabbing my arm and slapping my face pop into my head. I hold the urge to close my eyes. "Fighting..." I let out a deep breath. "Right. That sounds... How does it actually work?"

He studies my face for a second as if trying to figure out a puzzle. "You work at a bar, so you know how important it is to be aware of your surroundings. And because you're a bartender, I'm sure you've learned to read people well by now, right?"

"Yeah..." I nod. "I think so."

"So, lesson number one is, not only to pay attention to your surroundings but also to how people treat you. And most importantly about how you feel. Your body is wired to alert you when it senses trouble. If your intuition tells you something is wrong, take action immediately. Stand up, leave the room, cross the street. Do whatever you have to, but always place yourself in a position of power. "

"I can do that," I say, remembering the countless times I had to react fast at work when a customer gave me some weird vibes.

"If you allow someone to make you uncomfortable, and never react - either by walking away, saying something, or ending a relationship - you're not only setting the bar for how people will treat you but training yourself to never do anything about it."

"Those are all valid points but if someone stronger than you catches you off guard or... I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes you're... sometimes guys are stronger than you and..." I let out a sigh, trying to organize my thoughts. It's one thing to cross the street when someone gives off weird vibes, but another thing entirely to physically defend yourself.

"You're a good person, Andie. I can see it in your eyes. You don't want to cause trouble or make anyone feel uncomfortable. But let me ask you something... Why is it okay for a guy to feel entitled enough to corner you in an empty street, but it's not okay for you to defend yourself?"

"I guess you're right in a way, but..." I look down, wishing things were that simple.

"But?" he asks, and I can feel the weight of his gaze on me.

Looking back at him, I shrug. "I had a bottle of pepper spray in my bag that day. And yet, I freaking froze when those guys approached me. It's not about me feeling like they should get away with it. It's about me ever fighting back," I say, noticing how his eyes soften with understanding.

"You didn't trust yourself enough to use that pepper spray. But let me assure you of something. You can learn how to be more confident. Self-defense is a psychological and emotional journey. It's a process of building an arsenal of empowering behavioral habits," he says, the certainty in his voice making my chest expand with interest.

"You do believe all of this you're saying." I feel my lips twitch with a smile.

"I do." He nods, with a smile of his own. "It's up to you now to take the classes." 


A/N: *sighs* How charming is this guy???

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