Chapter 14

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My meeting with Colby and Bruce went well earlier today. The more I learn about the real ins and outs of owning and running a bar, the more respect I have for these guys.

I've always been involved with the drinking aspects of things, but I can't say I'm not excited to start this new phase of my life now that I'm getting more familiar with everything. Even if it means not having Colby here with us anymore.

From what I've gathered Bruce wants me to learn how to manage the business. So, among many other things, I'll be helping with negotiating supplier contracts, promoting and growing the business, hiring and training waitstaff, and managing inventory, and resources, all the while making sure we are all providing excellent service to patrons.

It all feels like a huge step and one that will force me out of my comfort zone. But I think ready, or as ready as I can be.

We're closing Sugar Rush in a couple of hours, and there are not many people around. I use the opportunity to send a quick text to Marcus to see how he's doing. I've been out most of the day running some errands and now covering for Josh, so I could really use a break.

When Marcus texts me back, saying he's fine, I turn to Bruce who's enjoying the calm night by having a drink, and ask him to cover for me while I go to the bathroom.

This place feels like home, so I smile at some regulars and rush to the bathroom. When I'm back Bruce is talking to a pretty blonde at the bar, so I head to the fridge to clean up and organize the liquors.

"I can close up today." Bruce touches my shoulder. "You've been here all day. Go home."

"Really? My feet are killing me" I smile. "Kayla hooked me up with a family lawyer and he texted me earlier asking if we could meet tomorrow morning, so I won't say no to leaving a little earlier."

"A family lawyer?" He frowns as I count my tips. "What's going on?"

"Yeah..." I pause, looking at him. "Marcus got into a fight with our father, so I'm not letting him go back to his place."

"Oh... Is he okay? Is there anything I can do?" He frowns, and I love him for caring about Marcus and me like family.

"Trusting me with this new position is more than anyone could've ever done in your place." I squeeze his hand, and he nods.

"Still." He holds my gaze. "Let me know if there's something I can do."

"I will, thanks," I say, gathering my tips so I can go home.

Our bouncer Ricky is at the entrance watching the room, so once I'm all good to go, I make sure not to repeat the same mistake from a couple of nights ago and ask him to walk me to my car.

My mind goes to Tyler as we walk the short distance to my car, and as I drive home, I keep thinking about my date with him in a couple of days. The urge to google him and learn more about his life is almost unbearable, but I end up not doing it. He said that if I ever wanted to know about him, all I should do is ask, so that's what I'll do.

But how open are people when they just meet someone? The thought invades my mind, yet, I still opt for learning things from him. The internet is indeed full of lies if you think about it. And I guess deep down, I want our first date to be normal.

The moment I step inside my place, the aroma of Marcus's delicious cooking invades my nostrils, making me sigh in contentment. He's sprawled on the couch reading a book but stops when he sees me.

"Hey." I take off my shoes. "It's late. You should go to bed."

"I cooked you dinner." He sits up, throwing the book on the coffee table.

"I could get used to this." I sit by his side, loving that he's here with me. We'll need to think about moving to a bigger place to show the judge we have a comfortable housing arrangement. But for now, the fact that he's here and not with our father is what really matters.

"I saw you got my stuff from Dad's place..." He keeps his eyes on me, and I nod before standing up and heading to the kitchen to fix me a plate. He made beef stew and rice today, and even though it's late, my stomach growls at how delicious everything seems.

"I thought I got you pretty much everything you'll need for a while, but I guess we can always go out for a little shopping if you need anything." I open the fridge, looking for half a bottle of wine I stocked here yesterday.

"Dad texted me earlier today..." he murmurs, and I pause for a second before closing the fridge and turning to him.

"What did he want?" I turn to him, noticing how tense he is.

"He said I should go home..." He shrugs. "Reminded me you're not my legal guardian."

"Marcus..." I shake my head, closing the short distance between us. "I don't care what he says. You're not going back to his place."

"He said you have no money to fight him in court and that I should just go home and... you know... save you from going bankrupt."

"Going bankrupt? What the...? I scoff, annoyed our father is trying to get into Marcus's head. "Look, I just got a promotion, remember? And Kayla recommended me a great family lawyer earlier today. You have nothing to worry about."

"I just... I don't want you to spend all of your money on this, Andie." He looks deeply into my eyes, and I hate the concern and sadness I see reflected in them.

"Marcus..." I cup his cheek. "I have a meeting with this lawyer tomorrow. Let me talk to him, hear what he has to say, and then we go from there, okay? Can we do this?"

"Okay..." He nods, the apprehension still present in his eyes.

I have no idea if I'll be able to keep him here with me, but I'll be damned if I don't do anything in my power to try.


A/N: Thank you so much for your support! <3

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