Chapter 11

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As Tyler and I walk downstairs and head to the parking lot, my mind keeps replaying our kiss. I could've never imagined a kiss could consume someone to the point of making them forget everything. But that's exactly what happened when Tyler and I kissed.

However, as we keep walking, I realize the bubble that perfect kiss created is cracking, and reality is making its way into my mind. I need to stop by my father's place to get Marcus some things. I also need to find a lawyer so I can start working on getting Marcus's custody. Bruce, Colby, and I have a meeting with some suppliers at noon. And to top it off, I'm covering for Josh later today.

And what's the first thing I do today? I go to Tyer's workplace and kiss the hell out of him.

My goodness!

"My car is parked over there." Tyler's hand goes to my lower back to guide me, and something inside me softens at the gesture.

Smiling, I wonder when his looks will stop affecting me and when his kindness will stop surprising me. "I really appreciate the offer, but my father is probably at work. I should be fine going there by myself," I say.

Only the look in his eyes tells me he's not having it.

"Please." He cups my face, his thumbs caressing my cheeks.

One look. One single word. That's all it takes to let me know that I'm in so much trouble when it comes to this man.

"Tyler..." I sigh.

His thumb caresses the space in between my eyebrows, rubbing the frown away. He doesn't say anything for a second or two, but when he does, my heart skips a beat. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, but let me have this one, please?"

I feel my lips curling into a smile. "You're stubborn."

"Takes one to know another." His eyes dance with humor, and I need to look away to stop myself from pressing my lips to his.

"Fine. Let's get out of here." I nod, and he grabs my hand, walking us to his car.

Of course, Tyler drives one of those expensive cars. Those you only see celebrities and really rich people driving. I should know. My father has always been obsessed with cars, even though not even he could afford one of them.

In silence, I watch Tyler open the passenger's door and help me inside. Looking through the window, I watch him circle the car and then get comfortable behind the wheels.

His wealth shouldn't surprise me. His sister said he's an MMA champion with too many wins under his belt and the fact he also owns an MMA gym, obviously means he's loaded.

Which only serves to show me we live in two completely different worlds.

The car purrs to life, and soon we're fully merged in the lane. Tyler drives fast and with confidence, his grip light and easy on the wheel. I don't why but I find it attractive.

With his gaze on the road, he breaks me away from my thoughts. "Where does he live?"

I blink, giving him my father's address. Of course, I don't miss the way his eyes widen a little when he realizes my father lives in an expensive part of the city, but I choose not to elaborate. I've come to resent everything about that man, especially his money.

The trip is quick as expected and mostly silent. Apart from me telling him the directions, I haven't talked much. It's been a long time since I stepped foot inside my father's place, so I feel my body tensing up as we get closer to his house.

I feel Tyler's eyes on me from time to time, but I keep mine on the road. I hated he saw me in my weakness, so I say silent prayer I don't repeat that episode when he parks his car in front of the house where I grew up.

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