Chapter 16

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"Wait!" he says, and the strength and demand in his tone make me pause.

Feeling him behind me, I let out a deep breath. His fingers flex on my waist as if he's deciding if he wants to pull me closer or to let me go.

"Andie..." he whispers and I close my eyes for a second as my body softens to his touch.

"I know virginity is a turnoff for some guys. I just thought you should know. I understand if you want to put a stop to... to this." I force myself to stand up taller. There is nothing for me to be ashamed of here.

"You think I don't want you because you're a virgin?" His lips brush behind my ear while one of his hands presses flat against my stomach.

My eyes close again at the longing in his voice. God, he smells good. Even after a full training session, there's something about the heat of his body almost touching mine that makes me forget everything but how good he makes me feel.

"Well..." I open my mouth, trying to come up with a reply but nothing comes out.

His fingers splay against my lower belly, urging me against him. He's as aroused as I am, his cock hard and thick against my lower back. "Turn around."

This is it. I think, contemplating what to do. No matter how authoritative he sounds, I feel in his tone he's giving me a choice. I can get inside the elevators and leave or I can give in to whatever it is between us.

Not allowing time for me to overanalyze things, I turn in his grip. He's looking at me like he's ready to devour me. The hand he had at my waist is now resting on the curve of my hips, tightening reflexively and making me crazy with desire.

"I'm no good for you." He curves his body over mine as his lips brush over my jaw.

"What?" My hands hold onto his shoulder and he steps even closer, caging me in.

"I'm a bastard for wanting you this much." His nose touches mine, and his hand on my waist slides to my lower back, pressing me so close to him, that there's no space left between us. "You deserve the fucking world. And I can't seem to let you go."

"Tyler..." I press my lips to his, loving how soft and firm they are.

He kisses me back as if he can't get enough; as if he needs me as much as I need him. His tongue dips inside, tasting me in long leisure licks. Yet, there's a hint of aggressiveness, a hint of dominance to him that makes me so hot, it scares me.

My hands squeeze his shoulders, trying to put a stop to our kiss so we can talk. Only instead of stopping the kiss, I kiss him harder. 

Without thinking much I move my hands to his chest. The raging of his beating heart lets me know he's as hopeless as I am, which only serves to make me want him more.

God, I should put a stop to it so we can talk. I register the thought in the back of my mind, but my body is having none of it. 

Allowing my hands to go down, I feel his abs flexing. But then, in a split second, my back is hitting the wall and he's pulling my wrists over my head.

"What are you doing to me?" He searches my eyes, his lips swollen from our kiss.

"I want you," I say, my cheeks in flames as I gather the courage to finally go after what I want.

"Andie." He touches his fingertips to my cheek, his eyes helplessly searching mine. "I'm no good for you. And you..."

"What? I'm what?" I whisper, my eyes locked with his.

"You're so sweet and I... I'm fucked up when it comes to sex, Andie." He turns his gaze away from mine, his head shaking in frustration. "I need control and... I can be demanding and pushing... And fuck... You're a fucking virgin, Andie. For God's sake."

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