Chapter 8

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Tyler's looking at me as if we had all the time in the world and somehow it helps me put my doubts at ease.

"God! I can't believe you're going to convince me to do this." I let out a humorless chuckle, surprised by my desire to take these classes.

"You're stealing my students now or what?" I hear a woman say and I turn my body so I'm facing her. She's wearing a pair of workout leggings and a black t-shirt with the gym's logo like the one Tyler has on. Her blond hair is up in a tight bun on the top of her head, and much similar to Tyler, she holds herself in a way that exudes confidence.

"I thought you said your classes were full when I texted you yesterday?" Tyler asks her, his brows raising.

"Hi, I'm Alice." She waves at me with a sweet smile on her lips. "I'm just giving my brother a hard time."

"I'm Andie. Nice to meet you. Tyler was actually trying to convince me to start self-defense, but I'm not so sure if it can work for me." I glance at him and when I look back at her, I'm surprised to see a little smirk on her lips.

"You think you won't ever be able to fight back, right?" she asks, something in her voice letting me know she sees right through me.

"You know, he's like twice my size." I chuckle.

"Well, I assure you that we can always fight back. We might not know how at some point, but it doesn't mean we're not able to learn," she says, basically repeating what Tyler has been trying to tell me.

"Wow, that sounds... empowering," I say, loving how confident she sounds.

"That's our main goal here." She smiles, then looks from Tyler to me. "Would you believe me if I told you I could take Tyler down?"

"Uh..." My mouth falls open as I try to come up with something to say that won't offend her.

"Well, let me show you something." She hops into the ring, and Tyler shakes his head.

"You're such a show-off, Alice," he says, his eyes rolling.

"Come on, are you scared of your little sister or what?" She teases him.

"You know I won't make it easy on you, right?" He smirks, his eyes shining with mischief.

"I'm counting on that." She cracks her knuckles. "You might want to step out, Andie. Things are about to get fun."

"I'm sorry, Andie..." Tyler looks at me helplessly, but I'm so curious about the whole situation that I let myself out of the ring and lean on a pillar by the right so I can watch the show.

"You don't want to get your gloves first, sis?" Tyler asks, making Alice laugh.

"Are you afraid to hurt your hands, pretty boy?" She stops in front of him, and Tyler's posture alters. He goes from relaxed to utterly focused in a second and suddenly he's all business. Yeah, I won't lie and say that's not one hundred percent hot. Because damn... He's sexy without even trying.

"Are you trying to hurt me or show Andie how it works?" Tyler tilts his head to the side, a cocky smile on his lips.

"Let's show her how this works," she says and in a split of a second Tyler tackles her to the ground, straddling her hips and pinning both of her wrists above her head.

Stunned, I press my back to the pillar to support myself. "Holy shit!" I gasp and the next thing I know, Tyler's eyes are meeting mine.

"This is one of the worst-case scenarios a woman can be–" He starts, but Alice quickly interrupts him.

"But if I bridge my hips up like this, I'll be able to throw him off because he'll be afraid to collapse and hit his head straight into the floor," she says, and sure enough Tyler's hips go up and his head almost touches the floor above Alice's head.

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