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Wings trailing behind me, I navigate the cool marble floor, headed to join my siblings for our weekly dinner at my home-a gothic castle hewn from black stone.

As I enter the dining room, I can already feel the weight of my siblings' gazes on me. Verrine, my ever-sarcastic sister, is the first to speak up. "Well, look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," she quips, her tone dripping with mock politeness as she takes a leisurely sip of wine. The others at the table join in with amused snickers, clearly finding her jab amusing. Despite our constant banter, Verrine and I have always had a special bond, a sort of unspoken understanding that keeps us in check.

I can't help but roll my eyes at her teasing remark as I take my place at the head of the table. "Oh, Vi," I reply, placing a hand dramatically over my heart, "you couldn't wait to see me?" I shoot her a playful smirk and pour myself a glass of pomegranate juice.

Verrine returns the eye roll, and I can't resist sticking my tongue out at her over the rim of my glass. . As the staff begins to serve our meal, the aroma of the carefully prepared dishes fills the air. Our weekly dinner together is one of the few times we indulge in human food, even though it's not a necessity for beings like us.

After all, we have other, more... peculiar appetites to satisfy.

We chat about various things while we eat our dinner, but I sense a tension growing in the room as the conversation fizzles out. Once I finish eating, I push my plate out of the way and cross my arms, casting a scrutinizing gaze at each of my siblings. They seem to shrink under my stare, avoiding eye contact with me.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "What's going on?" I prompt, sensing that something is amiss.

Down the table, my brother Az clears his throat nervously. "Uh, so Luce, we have something we need to talk to you about."

I raise a brow and set down my glass, feigning interest. "Sure, brother. What's up?"

After we were banished to hell, my father decided it would be a twisted idea to pair souls to one another—soulmates, as many call it. I find the concept repulsive. Many people never get to meet their true soulmate and spend their short lives longing for someone they will never even meet.

Soulmates are just another sick punishment enacted by my father, the "good" guy. Somewhere, sometime out there, I have a soulmate. It's been hard for me to accept, and since the day they were created, I've felt like part of me was ripped away. I was better off without one dragging me down all the time.

The worst part is that the feelings have only intensified lately. I can feel my little "mate" siphoning my power. I can sense her presence on Earth. Fate has played some sick tricks on me, but this is the worst. My mate isn't a fellow demon or even a self-righteous angel. No, I have been cursed with a human—a leech—guzzling MY power.

I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday—though it feels like a lifetime ago. Time used to fly for me; a thousand years hardly felt like a week. But ever since she came into the world, time has slowed to a crawl. Years drag on endlessly, and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Each day is a struggle to get through my duties, weighed down by this inexplicable connection to her. It's been 18 years, but it feels like she's been alive much longer. And I fear that this feeling will never fade.

I knew she was a girl the moment she was born. It was overwhelming, the flood of emotions I couldn't comprehend—this desperate need to ensure her safety and well-being. I sent my brother Az to check on her, and when he reported back, I vowed never to allow myself to care. I refuse to let my mind wander, to ponder what she looks like or what kind of person she is. I simply don't care.

Since her 16th birthday, I've felt my power being drained away, her own power growing stronger with each passing day. It's like a slow, agonizing theft, and it cripples me. I despise her for stealing from me.  Why shouldn't I?

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