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Aurora POV

Lucy hasn't been to school in 2 days. I'd like to say I'm happy about that and proud that I was able to get to her, but I'm not.

I'm not like myself—I've been obsessing over her. Where is she? Is she okay? Is she mad at me? Should I have listened to her? All thoughts I don't want and shouldn't be having. I literally met her 5 days ago, not even a week. This is pathetic.

"Why the hell should I care? Why should I listen to a damn thing she says? She's the crazy one, not me. Freaking out about a necklace?? What a lunatic," I grumble inwardly as I walk into class, tossing my bag down below my desk with a little too much force, startling Olivia.

"What's your deal? You've been extra cranky lately," Olivia says concern evident in her voice.

I huff, trying to brush her off.
"Nothing, I'm fine."

Olivia gives me a skeptical look, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah... right."

Ignoring her probing gaze, I slump into my seat and put my head down, hoping to block out the conflicting emotions swirling inside me.

I can't quite put it into words, but I have this uncanny ability to sense when Lucy enters the room. It's like my whole body is tuned into her presence, alerting me without even glancing up.

I feel her now and despite every fiber of my being screaming at me to acknowledge her to ask where she's been, if she's okay, I keep my head down, resisting the pull she seems to have on me.

I hear her walk by and take her seat behind Olivia. Her scent fills the air, enveloping me completely. Every one of my senses is fully attuned to her, except for sight. She smells like what I imagine a gothic cathedral would, with hints of spicy roses and burnt candles. Her scent embodies her essence perfectly.

With all my senses focused on her entirely I feel my control beginning to slip, all I want to do is look at her. Her beautiful face. Stare into her stupid fucking deep blue eyes until I get lost.

Unable to resist any longer, I turn around and allow myself one glance. To maintain some semblance of control, I shoot her a dirty glare. She's already sitting down, chin resting in her palms with her elbows on her desk, lazily gazing back at me with a smug smile, as if she were expecting me to turn around.

My heart races as I observe her dark raven black hair starkly contrasting against her pale skin, her intense blue eyes piercing through the me, and her soft looking lips stained a light pink. She's insanely beautiful.

Suddenly jolting away, I swiftly turn back around, snapping myself out of the trance. Olivia shoots me another confused glance, her eyebrows furrowing in bewilderment.

As I gather my composure, anger courses through me like a raging storm. How could I let myself be affected by her presence like this? I clench my fists fighting back the urge to get up and leave.

Just then, the teacher begins the lesson, and I force myself to focus on the lesson for once. But despite my effort to ignore her, my mind keeps drifting back to Lucy, her presence gnawing at me like a relentless thorn in my side.

Throughout the rest of the class, I seethe in silence, my gaze shooting daggers at Lucy whenever she dares to glance my way. Lucy remains unfazed by my obvious anger towards her only making me angrier.

I absentmindedly play with my necklace, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, Olivia kicks me under the desk and gestures to my phone. I open it and read a text from her.

O: What's going on with you and this Lucy girl, do you want me to bug her?

I smile at Olivia and text back.

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