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Lucy's POV

As I enter the hallway, my gaze instinctively seeks out Aurora, my heart unwillingly skipping a beat at the sight of her. But what I witness next sends a surge of shock and betrayal coursing through me.

There, against the lockers, is Aurora, Making out with another person. My breath catches in my throat as I watch them, my mind struggling to comprehend what I'm seeing. It's as though time stands still, each moment stretching out painfully as I take in the scene before me.

A mix of emotions washes over me—anger, hurt, and a profound sense of loss. My fists clench at my sides, nails digging into my palms as I fight to contain the turmoil raging inside me. I can't feel like this. She's not mine. I hardly even know her. I think trying to calm myself down.

I don't want to feel like this but I can't help it. Soulmate bonds are very powerful and intense and ours definitely just took a blow.

I think she's doing this on purpose?
To hurt me for some reason. I can't imagine what I could've done to her already though.

After last night I sort of warmed up to the idea of maybe being friendly with her but maybe I was wrong and she is just a stupid leech stealing my powers.

Despite the sharp pang in my chest, I remain steadfast, unwilling to avert my gaze. I refuse to grant Aurora the satisfaction of seeing the anger she's stirred within me, the raw emotions she's unearthed. I stand tall, my fury simmering beneath the surface, as I silently endure the agonizing sight before me. Every fiber of my being screams with rage, but I'll be damned if I let her see me falter.

As Aurora and her boy toy pull back from their disgusting kiss, Aurora's eyes rake across me with a chilling intensity. She flashes me a sinister smile, as if reveling in the discomfort she's caused. You know what? Fuck this I'm done. I don't need this shit.

I pivot on my heel and stride away without sparing another glance. Determined to put this humiliating encounter behind me, I briskly make my way to my next class, leaving the scene in my wake.

I talk to the teacher a little bit and he shows me over to my spot. The class is Advanced Biology I can do this easy. Well technically I can do any class easy but it still applies.

Thankfully I'm sat next to an empty desk so maybe I can catch some peace this hour. Ivy the girl I sat next to in English was nice enough, but very talkative. I just need some peace to relax right now.

As the bell rings, Mr. Barnum closes the door and proceeds to introduce me to the class. He then hands out the worksheets that we'll be going over today. It seems like we're in for a movie session, coupled with some writing to answer questions. Perfect.

As he's about to start the movie, someone loudly knocks at the door. Mr. Barnum sighs in defeat, walks over, and lets the student in. It turns out to be Aurora, looking disheveled and flushed. Seriously? I can't catch a break.

I roll my eyes and doodle quietly on my worksheet. I hear a little commotion and glance at the front of the room, Aurora is arguing with the teacher.

I'm sorry, Aurora, I'm not changing the seating chart just because you don't want to sit next to someone," the teacher asserts firmly, his patience wearing thin.

"But—" Aurora starts, her voice edged with frustration.

"You're already late to my class, so if you don't want to get a write-up, I suggest you grow up and sit down in your assigned spot," he interrupts, his tone stern and unwavering.

I hear her sigh and notice her striding over, and dramatically plopping down in the seat next to mine. I resist the urge to glance over, maintaining my focus on the worksheet. As I doodle on my paper her fresh scent, a blend of pine and oak moss, envelops me, momentarily clouding my thoughts.

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