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Aurora POV

My alarm clock beeps. I groan rolling over in bed and shut the alarm off. I lay staring at the ceiling thinking about the girl I met last night at Budds.

Lucy. I haven't been able to shake her from my mind since she left last night. I'm completely mortified by how I acted around her. I don't even know what came over me, I flirted with her!

God damn.
I press my palms into my face blushing. I openly flirted with a girl. While I'm in a relationship. Fuck.

Explaining why we were in the bathroom together was rough. My boyfriend was freaking out in front of our friends I may add because we both came out supposedly looking like we had just made out.

Eventually, I got him to calm down after his little rant and we got it all sorted out. Yes, I flirted with her but he never needs to know about that. No one needs to know that.

I mean honestly, what's the harm? She was hot and she flirted with me, I just simply responded. I'll probably never even see her again so what does it matter? My heart weirdly aches at the thought. Ick no I think pushing the feelings away. I can't have a crush on someone I just met. Let alone a girl.

I hardly like my boyfriend. Milton. I know his name is ridiculous what can I say?
We've been dating for 6 months now. Set up by our parents. Normally I would reject a set but I was in rocky waters with my parents. He's pretty popular and one of the more attractive guys at the school.

My dad is the Mayor of the town and my mom is deeply involved in the church. Milton's father is the pastor of Grace Baptist while his mother is a dean.

My parents are deeply religious, We go to church every Sunday along with every single church event. My parents are so obsessed with god that they had me baptized multiple times as a child every and every morning my mother obsessively checks to make sure I'm wearing my cross necklace. It was custom-made and super expensive so they wanna make sure it's getting used.

I'm personally indifferent, I don't care too much about religion. I find it to mostly be a little thorn in my side to have all these rules. Milton is quite religious but he's also a horny asshole. Like pretty much all men.

I roll out of bed and get ready for the day. I take my morning shower and change into my school clothes. When I'm done putting the final touches on my makeup I leave my room and go downstairs for breakfast.

I live in a manor along the lake built by my great-great-grandfather. Elton Booker. An early aristocrat in the town a couple of hundred years ago. My family has always had ties to power in this city.

I walk into the kitchen. The smell of waffles and eggs drifted through the air. My stomach growls I take a seat at the table. My father is at the head working on some paperwork, he doesn't glance up when I sit down.

Our housekeeper a short sassy woman named Millie shoves a plate of food in front of me. "How are you today Miss Aurora?" She asks cheerfully standing with her hands on her hips.

"I'm doing good," I say smiling. "You?" I ask digging into my breakfast. She glances back at my father "I'm doing good thank you for asking. Always so polite." She says clearly as a dig at my father.

She flashes me a smirk and walks off.
As I'm eating and scrolling on my phone my sisters decide to grace us with their presence. They sit next to me at the table.

I have two younger sisters, Natalie and Aubree. Natalie is two years younger than me. She has wild dark brown hair and hazel eyes like my mother. She's also a bit of a rebel compared to me. She often argues with my parents on various social issues. Something I simply don't have the guts for.

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