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I splash a few handfuls of ice-cold water on my face, hoping to jolt myself awake from the suffocating grip of my own thoughts. As droplets trickle down my skin, I turn off the faucet and stare at my reflection in the mirror, searching for answers in the sullen depths of my tired eyes.

What am I becoming? The image that stares back at me is a far cry from the powerful demon queen I once was. My skin lacks its usual lively hue, appearing pallid and drained of life. Even my black hair seems to have lost its luster, dulled out by the relentless onslaught of whatever force is sapping my strength.

It's unsettling, to say the least. To know that someone, somewhere on Earth, holds the power to unravel me from thousands of miles away. The girl—my supposed soulmate—whose existence I've long tried to ignore, now haunts me in ways I never thought possible.

She's tearing me apart, bit by bit, and I can't even show it. The weight of her influence presses down on me like a suffocating shroud, leaving me feeling powerless and vulnerable in my own domain.

Creating a star, reshaping the fabric of reality—these are tasks that once barely scratched the surface of my power. Yet now, I find myself weakened by the mere presence of a human girl. It's unfathomable, inexplicable, and utterly infuriating.

I clench my hands on the edge of the sink, feeling the porcelain dig into my palms. Anger simmers beneath the surface, mingling with the ever-present undercurrent of fear. Does she even know what she's doing to me? Can she feel the tendrils of her influence reaching out across the void?

I can't dwell on the thought. There's too much at stake, too many responsibilities that demand my attention. With a sigh, I force myself to push aside the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm me and finish getting ready for the day ahead.

But even as I straighten my posture and square my shoulders, I can't shake the gnawing sense of unease that lingers in the pit of my stomach. The girl on Earth may be oblivious to the havoc she's wreaking, but I am acutely aware of the toll it's taking on me.

And I refuse to let her destroy me without a fight.

I grip the edge of the sink, my hands trembling with the weight of uncertainty. Thoughts race through my mind as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Does she know she's hurting me? Can she sense my presence here in hell? I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand.

With a resigned sigh, I shed my demonic form, concealing my wings with a sharp twinge of pain. Each movement is a reminder of the sacrifices I must make to blend in among humans. I adjust my eyes, shifting their natural scarlet hue to a more mundane blue. Aiding in hiding my true form.

As I pack, a mix of emotions churn within me—uncertainty, frustration, and a faint flicker of excitement at the thought of returning to Earth after so many years.

I've waited to visit her for thousands of years.

My favorite creation.

I collect my bags and navigate through the narrow, bustling halls of the castle. The constant activity around me is a welcome distraction from the deafening silence that once plagued this realm. Loneliness was my only companion in the early days, a bitter reminder of my fall.

When I first descended into this abyss, I was met with nothing but desolation. It was up to me to carve out a place of refuge, a sanctuary amidst the darkness.

As my siblings trials in heaven ended, they were cast from heaven. Doomed to wander aimlessly alone forever. Their angelic forms burnt away replaced by a new form that they did not understand. They believed themselves to be tainted and ugly. I searched out for them endlessly, offering for them to join my realm.

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