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Lucy POV

As the rest of the day slips by quickly, there are no more run ins with Aurora, despite us sharing the same classes. The lingering tension from the lunchroom confrontation seems to hang in the air. I keep getting curious looks from other students and Aurora's boyfriend shooting me glares that could kill.

As school finally comes to an end, I gather my things and head out, ready to leave the drama behind and head home.

It's only 3:15 pm maybe I could get a nice small hike in?

Startled by the knock on my window, I turn to see Harlow standing outside. With a slight sense of surprise, I roll down my window to hear what she has to say.

"Hey, Lucy," she greets me with a friendly smile. "Everyone you met at lunch was planning to hang out, and we wanted to invite you to join us. What do you say?"

I pause for a moment, considering the offer. Despite the earlier tension with Aurora, I feel a flicker of curiosity and interest in getting to know the others better. "Sure, I'd love to join you guys," I reply with a genuine smile.

"Cool, Can I get your number so I can text you the address?"

"Sure thing," I reply with a smile, pulling out my phone. I recite my number to Harlow, making sure she gets it right.

"Got it, thanks," she says, typing it into her phone. "I'll text you the address soon."

She walks off and within a couple minutes she texts me the address along with a message saying.

-We're meeting up right now so come on over whenever you're ready!

As I start up my car and drive to the address Harlow sent me, I take in the sights of the neighborhood. The streets are lined with quaint houses, each adorned with their own unique charm. Pulling up to the designated address, I'm greeted by a cute, moderately sized house with large flowerbeds adorning the front yard, adding a touch of color to the surroundings.

Sitting in my car for a moment, I can't help but feel a twinge of nervousness creeping in, my fingers tapping anxiously against the steering wheel. "I'll be okay," I reassure myself quietly, summoning a sense of inner strength. Even if I'm the devil, I still get nervous.

I climb out of my car and make my way to the front door of Harlow's house. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I raise my hand and knock firmly on the door.

As Oliver opens the door, Harlow swiftly cuts in front of him,"You made it! Come on in and sit anywhere you like," she says eagerly, taking hold of my arm and guiding me into the living room.

Inside, Ivy and Lyndsey are already lounging on the couch, chatting animatedly. I offer them a smile as I plop into an open chair, my eyes land on the tempting snacks scattered across the coffee table. My stomach grumbles at the sight.

Harlow's voice snaps me out of my snack-induced trance. "Hey, want something to drink? I've got water, seltzer, or pop," she offers.

"Yeah, water would be nice thanks," I reply with a grin.

While Harlow heads to the kitchen, I take a moment to admire the comfortable living room. Ivy and Lyndsey are lounging on the couch, chatting and Oliver seems to be setting up a movie on the tv.

Harlow returns with a glass of water and hands it to me with a smile. "Here you go. Help yourself to any snacks if you're hungry," she says, gesturing to the spread on the table. "Oh, and we were thinking of ordering pizza later. Are you interested in that?"

"Yes, I love pizza." I'm fucking starving, All I've had to eat since leaving hell is salad.

"Cool I was gunna order some cheese and pepperoni is that alright with you?"

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