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Lucy POV

As the first light of dawn filters through the window, I slowly rouse from sleep, the warmth of my own wings cocooning me in a comforting embrace. With a yawn, I stretch my limbs, feeling the familiar rustle of leathery membranes unfurling around me. It's a daily ritual, this dance with my wings as they assert their independence even in the quiet moments of morning awakening.

With a sigh, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, the cool touch of the floor a stark contrast to the warmth of my wings. I rise from the bed, ready to face whatever challenges the day may bring.

After a quick glance at the clock, I realize that I need to start getting ready for school. I quickly go through my morning routine. I shower, the warm water cascading over my skin, washing away the remnants of sleep and leaving me feeling refreshed.

Before I can dress, I have to sheath my wings. But before I can finish the thought, my wings quickly start flapping on their own, flinging me around the room. "AGHH!" I exclaim, taken off guard by their sudden rebellion.

With a surge of determination, I quickly try to regain control of my wings, wrestling against their wild movements. I can feel the strain in every muscle as I struggle to command them back into submission.

Closing my eyes, I focus all my energy on the task at hand. I will them back into my back, gritting my teeth against the pain that shoots through me with each movement. The bones break and crack as they slide into place, bringing me to my knees with the intensity of it all.

For a moment, I am consumed by the searing agony, the world around me fading into a blur of sensation. But gradually, the pain begins to subside, replaced by a sense of calm as my wings finally relent and fold neatly against my back.

With a shaky breath, I rise to my feet, steadying myself against the lingering ache. It's a reminder of the power I wield, the price I pay for existing between worlds. But as I look in the mirror and see my wings safely sheathed once more, I know it's a sacrifice worth making.

Once I'm dressed, I stand before the mirror, smoothing down any stray strands of hair and adjusting the collar of my shirt. Despite the centuries of existence, the mundane task of getting ready for the day makes me feel almost human. Not that I'd ever want to be one.

With a final check to make sure I have everything I need, I gather my belongings and head out the door. The cool morning air greets me as I step outside, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of my cozy apartment I just left behind.

As I drive to school, a light rain begins to fall, tapping gently against the car's exterior. Stepping out, I don't mind the rain dampening my clothes. It's been so long since I've felt rain, and the sensation is oddly comforting. Taking a moment to stand in the drizzle, I inhale the fresh scent of wet earth, feeling the raindrops cool against my cheeks.

Walking to class, I feel surprisingly refreshed, despite water dripping from my hair and my clothes clinging damply to my skin. The sound of rain on the pavement soothes me as I make my way to class. It's as if the rain has washed away the fatigue of the morning, leaving me reenergized and ready to take on anything thrown upon me today.

I enter the classroom my boots squeaking, hair dripping and my clothes clinging tightly to my body. Aurora already seems to be seated next to her friend engaging in a heated conversation about something. She glances at me and for a second looks almost worried but it's gone from her face in an instant replaced by an angry sneer.

As I step into the classroom, the sound of my boots squeaking on the linoleum floor echoes in the air, drawing the attention of my classmates. My hair drips with rainwater, and my clothes cling tightly to my body, evidence of my encounter with the morning drizzle. Aurora is already seated next to her friend, engrossed in a heated conversation about something.

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