~28~ "Stitches."

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I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of Michael whimpering and the feeling of him gripping his fingers tightly on my shirt, his head in the crook of my neck, desperately trying to catch my scent while he slept. "Mm.. Michael.." I yawned, eyes half closed, begging for me to fall back asleep. The smell of distress filled the room, which is always an unpleasant scent of charcoal and heavy smoke.

"Michael.." I shook him lightly, trying to wake him up from the nightmare he seemed to be having. He sniffed and began to cry in his sleep. I blinked hard a few times to wake me up just enough to give me the strength to pick him up bridal style.

I was slightly terrified that I'd drop him from my fatigue, but I managed to softly place him in the bed. "You're okay.." I whispered, massaging his ears as I pulled the covers over him, all of the blankets around him still smelling like his nest, which brought him comfort. I placed the plush I got him next to his pillow before I collapsed on the armchair, watching him for a minute to see if that helped at all.

He curled up under the covers, his cries softening into silence as he went back to sleep peacefully, the plush right up next to his face so he could get the comfort. I closed my eyes and pretty much immediately drifted to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, Michael was back on my lap, holding a blanket over us and playing with the collar on my shirt. "When did you come back?.." I yawned, groggily sitting upright with half-lidded eyes. "Like ten minutes ago." He mumbled, just barely audible. "Sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night."

"It's alright, do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really.. I'm sick of it."

"Okay, we don't have to."

I went to get up but he pushed me back down, "Can you stay a bit?.. I need you."

"Okay, can I reposition?"


"Yes, you're hurting my legs."

"Fine." He stood up for a second, letting me reposition to be more comfortable before he climbed back on. "Mine." He purred, biting down on my neck as he straddled me.

"Okay- ow, alright, I'm yours, calm down." I rubbed his back, Jesus he bites hard. "I'm not going anywhere." I whispered, he held me so hard his nails dug into my back.

"Hey, sorry I need to do a check-up on—" Rose walked in, Michael sat up and immediately growled, glaring at her.

"Be nice." I very lightly hit him on the back of the head, not wanting to actually hurt him. "I'm sorry." He said to Rose, she chuckled, "It's alright, can you come sit on the bed here? I just need to check your wound and see if we can do the stitches today." She smiled, grabbing her supplies as I picked up Michael to force him to sit on the bed. "Arm please dear." Rose held her hand out, letting him place his hand in hers.

"The drugs should be completely out of your system now so I think it's safe to do anaesthesia. I think the best option is to give you a drug that we insert through a needle. It doesn't completely knock you out but it makes your body kind of numb. Almost like you're so drunk you can't feel pain, but without the alcohol."

"Okay." He mumbled, seeming like he didn't really have a choice. "I'll be here pup." I rubbed his ears, kissing his forehead, I was still very tired but I wanted to be here for him. "No one else is gonna come in while I'm on it, right?" He looked at me with a pleading look, he didn't trust anyone else to be around him while he wasn't responsive, which both touched me and hurt my heart at the same time.

"No one else. We promise." I stood up, looking at Rose who nodded, "Noah can lock the door if that makes you feel better." Rose suggested as she put on her gloves and mask, he nodded. I did as asked and locked the door to the infirmary room.

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