~26~ "Here."

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~Michael~ (WARNING: this chapter contains gore, blood, threats) also thank you too MIIKI for the idea ❤️
I felt the blood pouring down my nose as Liam stood in front of me on the phone with Noah, who had hung up, which only made me anxious, is he not gonna come?.. I was sitting on my knees on the cold basement floor, rope around my arms holding them back. My head hurt like hell, and I couldn't remember much besides arriving at the bar, "Awh, looks like he's sick of you." Liam crouched down in front of me, placing his hand on my thigh, I growled and immediately kicked him in the stomach with a hard force, pushing him back.

He stood up and slapped me, "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He grabbed my face, my breath quickened and my ears flattened with fear, "I'm sorry— I didn't mean too-" I backed my head away, body shaking. "That's a good boy." He smiled, pushing me onto my side, I curled up into a ball to protect my stomach, I'm not letting the baby get hurt- he can kick me and make me bleed all he wants but I can't loose this baby- I just can't.

"You were quite the little shit in high school, thought you would have grown up even a bit. But then I see you're the king's little sugar baby, I guess you still can't care for yourself. I always had to do everything for you, fucking everything!" His yells echoed throughout the basement.

I stayed quiet, backing up to the wall and bringing my knees to my chest. "I want to go home.." I sniffed, "I can get you money- or- or drugs or whatever- just let me go home— please." I crawled towards him, looking up with tears drowning my sight.

He smirked, grabbing onto my hair to force me in place, "I don't want money." He stroked my face, his hand was icy cold, I got the hint of what he wanted and I was quick to glare. I pulled away from him, baring my teeth, "Anything that comes near my mouth gets bit off." I growled, turning my head away.

He slapped me across the face, grabbing my hair and throwing me across the ground, I hid my head to try and protect myself. I felt my leg scrap against the concrete, scratching my skin as blood stained the floor. I whimpered as the pain set in, stinging throughout my entire body.

"Fucking bitch, you never shut up do you?" He walked over to me, placing his foot on my stomach, I breathed heavily in and out, being careful not to make the wrong move and have him hurt the baby. He looked me up and down, titling his head as he got a bit of my scent through the air. "Hah! You're pregnant aren't you?" He applied just a bit more pressure to the area slowly, I shook my head, denying it, "Tell the fucking truth!" He screamed, I felt the tears finally flow down from my eyes, nodding as he took his boot off and shoved me to the side.

"You've gone and gotten yourself pregnant at only- what? 21? God, you really are a whore. I should do you a fuckin' favour and kill it." He threatened, pulling a knife out from his belt and crouching down shoving me against the wall, running the knife along my chest to my stomach.

"Nonono— I'll be good- I promise." I cried, "You can hit me and cut me- just don't- please don't kill it." Tears flowed down my face, he brought the knife back up and cut my shirt off, letting it flow down my arms to where they were tied, it hung off my arms as I sniffed.

He noticed my mating mark and dragged the knife across it, plunging it into the bite. I screamed out in pain, I wasn't used to pain in that spot, usually it feels good when Noah bites me- but this just hurt, so bad. I could see the blood pouring down my chest. I sobbed, my head feeling heavy as I lulled it down onto Liam's shoulder. I felt too lightheaded to keep my head up, even if I really didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"You won't be needing that." He laughed, pulling the knife out of my shoulder and letting me drop to the ground on my knees.

I flinched from the sound of a door slamming open and commotion echoing through the basement. It caught Liam off guard too, he went to grab his gun but before he got the chance he was thrown against the wall with a loud bang, "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" A familiar voice shouted, I looked up through my fuzzy and dizzy eyes, barely seeing red hair. Noah?..

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Where stories live. Discover now