~8~ "There's a First Time for Everything."

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I've never been particularly good at sleeping in new places, they often stress me out, but my sleep surprisingly wasn't too bad, maybe it was the fact that I had an alpha's coat hanging up right next to my bed, the scent filling my nose all night. Either way, I really didn't want to get out of bed this morning, it took all my effort.

In the morning Noah gave me a black and white card with a little metal strip on it, apparently it's a keycard so I can get in and out of the palace when I need to, which was good since I had work pretty early.

I walked downtown, the snow falling down on my hair just enough to get it annoyingly damp by the time I walked inside the cafe. Posi's shift started an hour earlier than me, so she was already there.

Immediately when I saw her she made a weird face at me, her ears flattening. "What?" I questioned as I tied my apron on, noticing two men in the cafe staring at me intensely, do I look weird or something? "Why do you smell like that?" She took a step closer to me, trying to get my scent better, I quickly stepped back in confusion. "I don't know. I don't think I smell any different." I brought my wrist to my nose, all I could smell was my scentblocker, I guess it isn't working?

"Huh, maybe your scent blockers are expired. You smell awfully sweet though, like- like a peach or something." Posi decided to let it be and go back to working, I did the same, only more confused than ever now.

Although the two men did not stop staring at me, In fact I think it got more intense. I tried my best to ignore them, thinking maybe they were just zoned out, but it was hard. "Shit." Posi noticed this and looked up from the cookies she was making, I looked at her with a crooked eyebrow. "When did you last eat Michael?" She gently led me to the back, closing the door behind her and leaning against it.

"Uh- I don't know like yesterday afternoon? I'm not very hungry lately, I'm not sure why." I sat down on the couch, taking my coat off, it felt really hot in here for some reason. Posi locked the door behind her, "It's because you're in heat dumbass! Why would you come to work when you're in heat?! There's two alphas out there that will rip you apart the minute your scent blocker comes off!"

Heat? That can't be true. I've never had a heat before. "I- I didn't know, I've never had one.." I mumbled, my knee bobbing up and down anxiously as I whined, letting my ears fold down in distress. "Fuck- I forgot.. Dammit we need to get you out of here before it gets worse.." She paced around the room.

"What about Noah?.." I suggested, something compelling me to say that.

"Nuh uh, he's an alpha too. He'll do the exact same. Although I suppose you wouldn't mind if it was him, and we don't really have another choice... Shit." She sighed, opening her palm to indicate she wanted my phone, which I gave to her, watching as she scrolled through it and put the phone to her ear.

After a while she spoke, "It's Posi. Come pick up Michael, he just went into heat for the first time and there's two freaking alphas in our cafe, we're literally hiding in the break room right now."

There was a bit of speaking on the other end and then silence, until Posi broke it. "...Thank you." She reluctantly said before hanging up.

"Thanks again I guess.. I still need to finish my shift, but you better not try anything." Posi threatened as Michael climbed into the limo, curling upto in a ball laying on the seat, his ears flat and his tail tucked between his legs. He looked vulnerable in a way I've never seen before.

I got in on the opposite side of the car, making sure the windows were open so not too much of his scent triggered anything in me. He whimpered and cried almost the whole way home, apparently it's his first heat, so he didn't have any idea it was happening this morning.

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