vi : say my name and everything just stops

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oh, and you held me close. . . oh, how was i to know?

 oh, how was i to know? ◇

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new chapter!!!! lowkey was waiting to post this but yk the finale js came out it felt needed!! some interesting things happen in this one.. heh..

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after we finished eating, walker generously paid (i told him it was an obligation because he was the one taking me out).

as we walk back onto the street, walker suddenly intertwines his fingers in mine. i glance down at our hands as i instinctively hold his hand back—which was weird because we never really held hands.

"we still have one last stop," he announces, and he takes a right where we would've supposedly taken a left if we were to go back to my house.

"oh?" i turn my head to look at him, and he looks back at me with a innocent smile.

we swing our arms as we walk. "thanks." i say, breaking the silence.

"for what?"

"for this." i shrug, looking at the ground and how we both walk in sync. "even if the reason for it is just because it's a fake date. it's nice,"

"oh. you're welcome." walker replies softly, and then comes to a halt. i stop with him, and i turn my head to the building next to us.

"fro-yo?" i read the neon light up sign that read 'wacky fro-yo'.

"yep. you mentioned you were wanting it the other day, right?" he recalls.

"um, yeah." i answer, but fail to mention that was over 2 weeks ago. i was surprised he had remembered such a tiny detail like that, because i had randomly brought it up in a conversation, and the only thing i got in response was some sort of hum of acknowledgment.

we walk in, and grab our bowl cup thingies. i get chocolate, and then i add some sprinkles on it. walker ends up getting the pineapple flavor, and adds about almost all of the topping choices on top.

i stare at his cup which is about 70% of candies, fruit options, and sprinkles. "did you want some fro-yo with those toppings?" i ask.

he scoffs. "i am a man who prefers to have an flavorful frozen yogurt eating experience." he tells me dramatically.

i look at him in disbelief. "okay . . ."

"don't yuck my yum." he shrugs, and he goes over to the cash register.

"yuck your yum?" i repeat as i follow him, chuckling at the saying.

call it what you want - walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now