xiii : drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain

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 kiss you as the lights went down, swaying as the room burnt down 


hii guys sorry for getting this out a little later than expected!! my phone broke so i couldnt write as much as i wantedd ALSO NO LITTLE BANNER PHOTO THINGS BCUZ MY PHONE BROKE AND I PUT THE PHOTOS ON THROUGH MY PHONE 💔😭 sorry :,(


it was a sunday, and the talk my friends gave me the day before really helped lift my mood.

i was still literally going insane about the whole thing, but i felt just the slightest bit better about it. they helped clear my head and stuff, and it felt nice to know that someone finally knew about everything.  even if i did like it being just me and walker's little thing.

it was 4 in the afternoon, and id sat down on my couch to watch a movie.

my mood was better than yesterday (and the past 9 days before that), so as i heard the rain patter on the roof and windows, dripping onto the ground, it didn't make me feel sad at all, like how the weather had yesterday. it was quite calming. even if it was extremely windy and pouring buckets outside, i still found it nice.

i grabbed the remote to scroll through streaming services, and find a good movie to watch. there's nothing i want on netflix, so i go to disney+.

i go through disney+, and nothing is catching my eye. that's when i see it. 10 things i hate about you.

i kind of just freeze when i see it, because im realizing how freaky this is. this is the exact same situation i had in that dream. the one where walker kissed me. i start remembering the dream, and play it back in my mind. i shudder, and have to close my eyes to shake the thought away.

part of me is wondering if there's any chance that dream could come true. no, there's no way. dreams don't just come true. it's purely coincidence. 

however, i put 10 things i hate about you on, anyway. just because i like the movie. no other reason.

as i watched the movie, the rain never stopped or got any lighter. it poured and poured, which i took note of. and at point i had even gotten a blanket to warm myself up.

the scene where pat gifted kat the guitar was playing when i heard a knock at my door. 

i had never stood up faster in my life.

in the midst of my body acting before my brain could, when i had stood up, my blanket had fallen off of me and pooled around my feet. so when i tried to walk (a little faster than normal) to the door, my foot caught on the blanket.

thud. i tripped and fell on my floor. somehow, my anxiousness to see walker--no, to see if walker was even at my door--overpowered the pain of me hitting my floor, so i let out a small grunt of pain, and then got up and made my way to the door.

and then the stupidest thing happened. i froze. my hand hovered over the door knob, and i just got caught up in my thoughts. what if it wasn't walker? what if it was just, like, the mailman? what if he wasn't here to confess his love? 

i blinked a few times, and firmly gripped the knob (probably more firm than normal) and opened the door.

there he was. 

he was soaked from the rain. his drenched blonde curls dripped water down onto his face, and his clothes clung to his body from being wet. there was nervousness and uncertainty in his bright blue eyes, but they still practically pierced right through me.

"walker? what the hell are you doing here?" i spoke before i thought, not even realizing the uncanny similarity to my dream.

 "i . ." he trails off, just looking at me like he doesn't have an explanation. i just maintain eye contact, like i'm trying to find some sort of answer in his eyes.

"i think i'm in love with you," 

he responds, and everything just stops. well, not literally, but to me it does. i tune out the pattering rain, the ending of ten things i hate about you coming from inside my house. i no longer feel the rainy breeze against my skin--in fact, i feel warm, which sounds dumb. i keep looking at him, and i search for any hint of a joking or lying tone in his voice.

"well, i know i am." he admits after a few moments. that was the thing about walker. he could not handle silence. he found it awkward. (i guess that's one of the things i love about him.)

i don't respond, because i don't know what to do. should i kiss him? like in my dream? or would that be cheesy and dumb?

i guess walker's dumbass takes my silence as a rejection. "sorry, this was dumb." he starts to turn around. "i should-"

i decide then and there that i seriously can not let this opportunity get away from me. something clicks, and as he's turning, i grab his arm and turn him to face me. he freezes, and looks at me with confusion. i hesitate, then using my grip on his arm, pull him closer to me, and use my other hand to cup his cheek. 

i kiss him, and it's basically like my whole body lights on fire. but, in a good way. 

the hand that i am holding travels to my waist, and so does his other. i move my arms to be wrapped around his neck, to get closer to him. 

after maybe a few seconds too many, i remember--oh, yeah!--breathing exists, and pull away. 

although i had unwrapped my arms, his hands had stayed planted on my waist, so i grab his hands and entwine my fingers with his. 

"i think i'm in love with you, too," i smile sheepishly. "well, i know. and i have been for a while." 

walker smiles, his face flushing. "i--i'm sorry i didn't respond to you earlier. or at least texted you, or something. honestly, i wish i had done more than just this. i didn't know what to do," he admits. 

i shake my head. "it's fine. to be honest, i was going a little crazy over it, but it's fine."

walker frowns slightly. "i've liked you a long time. i should've told you sooner." 

"i think i should've told you sooner." i insist. before walker can respond, i speak up again. "do you want to come inside? you're soaked. and you got me wet."

walker raised a brow. "you were the one who kissed me." 

"so you didn't want me to?" i ask pointedly.

walker suddenly kisses me again, but makes a point of completely wrapping my up in his arms, getting my even more wet. he breaks away with an innocent smile. "no, i wanted you to." 

"you couldn't have done that once dry?" i groan, turning around to walk inside. walker follows me. 

"i mean, i can do it again when i'm dry, if you want." walker calls as we walk down a hallway.

i grab a towel and throw it at him. "shut up." 


oops short chapter :((( sorry guys!!!! next chapter will be like a long chapter of them sorting their stuff out igg !!!!!! idk if ill publish the next chapter this weekend bcuz i have a pretty cool thing happening this sunday!!!!!!!!!! i entered a film contest for my school and im a finalist, and now i get to go to an award night 🤯 (ok, i just wanted to brag about that. sue me) ANYWAY hope u guys liked this silly chapter, im also really bad at writing kiss scenes so idk if its any good.. byeeyeye!!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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