ix : our secret moments in a crowded room

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you can hear it in the silence, you can feel it on the way home

◇ you can hear it in the silence, you can feel it on the way home ◇

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hi guys sorry for having such a choppy uploading  schedule (more on that at the end of the chapter) but I hope you all like this!


"just take your shoes off, 'kay? my mom is very persistent on that," momona told us as we walked into her house. 

the movie (and the premiere itself) had been awesome. so much better than I expected, and everyone else agreed on that--i got tons of compliments after we watched it.

me and my friends had all decided to get together once the premiere ended for an afterparty, of sorts. well, it was more like an after-hangout, but that doesn't really sound as cool. 

"yes, ma'am." 'kenna said in a soldier-like voice, causing me to chuckle. 

we all sat down near and around the living room--me, walker, leah, momona, mckenna, aryan, dior, xochitl, and charlie and brady (the last two boys hadn't been invited to the premiere, so they came on their own terms).

"okay, but, that movie was insanely good." dior spoke up after a moment of silence, and then we all burst into chatter.

"it was awesome." walker agreed from next to me.

dior. rolled her eyes. "okay, but you have to say that, as her boyfriend n' stuff." 

"actually, i'm her boyfriend now." leah latched onto my arm. "sorry walker." 

"um, nuh uh." walker suddenly pulled me closer to him.

"woah, walker, no need to get jealous!" xochitl laughed. 

"yeah, walker. she's mine." leah pulled me back.

"ladies, ladies! there's enough of me to go around!" i intervene jokingly. 

"woahh, y/n has a side chick." charlie gasps.

"but which of them is the side chick??" brady asks, seemingly genuinely curious.

"walker, obviously." i smirk and playfully push him away.

"wow, okay. i see how it is." he crosses his arms. 

after that silly interaction, we all went back to talking about random stuff and messing around. at some point i had somehow moved back over to walker, and he had put his arm around me. there was a possibility that i was leaning into him.

call it what you want - walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now