v : i cant say anything to your face, 'cause look at your face

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you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong

◇ you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong ◇

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"i'm looking at you like i always look at you," i tell y/n, confused as to why she's calling me out for giving her a weird look.

honestly, i may or may not have been staring at her. but, like i said, in the way i always did. she looked good. i liked her outfit. the way she did her makeup, her hair. the way she looked around the street in awe, and the way she had the faintest smile on her face.

okay, maybe not the most normal way to describe a friend, but i'm just complimenting her. don't make it weird. i always think about her like this.

in a friend way.

y/n furrows her brows, but then relaxes, visibly deciding to let it go.

i turn my head to the resturaunt building, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for the food to come out.

truth be told, i was a little flirty with y/n. i thought about that fact a little more than i probably should. but, it was just. . what did aryan call it, banter? yeah, it's banter, or whatever. it wasn't weird. and my face definitely didn't get hot whenever she said certain things. like saying i looked good, and stuff. definitely not.

"what's up?" y/n breaks my train of thought from across the table.

"huh?" my head quickly turns to her, and she has this curious look on her face. it was kind of cute. not in that wa-

"you look like you're very deep in thought. something you'd like to share . . . ?" she asks, and i can't decide if it's nosy that she wants to know, or nice that she's so considerate about what i'm thinking of.

"uh, nothing. just wondering when the food's going to come out." i shrug and chuckle dryly.

y/n shakes her head with a small laugh. "you're impatient,"

"am not. i'm hungry. there's a difference." i defend.

"mhmm . . ." y/n nods, unconvinced, and although the way she doesn't believe me is somewhat irritating, i can't help but smile at her.

after around five minutes, our waiter comes back out with both of our plates and drinks in his hands. "here you are," he sets them down in front of us. "enjoy your food!" he walks off after y/n thanks him. she's weirdly polite. maybe i'm not polite enough?

i look down at my chicken tenders and fries--obviously the best food choice on the menu. i don't know why y/n poked fun at it when it's such a delicacy.

"you know," y/n speaks. "maybe the chicken tenders should be your fake girlfriend."

i raise a brow.

"the way you look at them," she coos mockingly, the way momona had done over the phone earlier in the day.

i roll my eyes but laugh. "yeah, they taste better than you."

"you haven't even tasted- yeah, okay, very kind thing to say to your girlfriend." y/n says.

"fake girlfriend." i correct with my finger up.

"yeah, about to become ex-fake girlfriend."

i gasp sarcastically. "why, am i not being a good boyfriend?"

"fake boyfriend." y/n corrects.

i roll my eyes again for good measure, and start eating my food.

see, i'm not gordon ramsay or anything. i am not an expert on food. it was good food, and that was all i had to say.

y/n, however, was a different story.

"eh, the meats a little dry, to be honest." she says after taking her first bite.

i raise a brow at her as she takes a sip of her soda. "and the buns kind of stale, you know?"

"no, i don't."

"and paper straws. eugh." she gives her soda and now soggy straw a disgusted look. "i mean i get they're good for the environment, and all, but they're so annoying. i'd honestly rather drink from a burning hot straw that burns my lips off."

"yeah." i say half-mindedly. i almost found y/n's rambling annoying, but i didn't. i found it cute how she talked about random things, and how passionate she was about them. how she would wave her hands around a lot to get her point across. how she had to tuck her hair behind her ears because they got in her face.


"huh?" i blinked.

"you weren't listening."

"yes, i wa-"

"and you're looking at me weird again."

"no, i'm not."

y/n squinted her eyes at me, as if there was some secret she would find if she looked harder. she gave it up, though, taking another bite out of her burger.

okay, so maybe i wasn't listening to her. and maybe that was because i was thinking about how cute i found her random antics . . .

but that wasn't odd, or anything.

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