ii : now you try on callin me baby like trying on clothes

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◇ just think of the fun things we can do ◇

◇ just think of the fun things we can do ◇

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when i wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to my mind is how i promised walker i'd be at his house at three. i was sort of confused as to why he wanted me there, because although we hang out one and one all the time-he had an underlying tone in his voice when he asked, like he wanted something.

i turn over in my bed, raising my hand to block the sunlight that peeked in through the small gap between my curtains. i grab my
phone off of the charger, and check the time. 12:34.

obviously not the best time to have woken up, but nevertheless, it was fine.

i rub my eyes as i get up out of bed, going over to my closet to get some clothes for the day.

i pull out a light blue tank-top and some worn jeans-suitable clothes for mid-spring, i figured.

after brushing my hair out, i get in the shower for around 20 minutes. afterwards i put on my clothes and do my hair and makeup.

by then, i have around 2 hours and 20 minutes to kill, so like any reasonable person, i spend the time on social media.

i see about a million new videos about me and walker, and the events of last night on the live. only the entirety of everyone on the live had screen recorded it and then posted it to every social media you can think of. instagram, tiktok, twitter-i even saw clips of it on pinterest.

new edits, too. dior even posted a bit of it on her instagram story, with the emojis: "🤭🤭". honestly, i couldn't believe her.

soon enough, i'm in the car with my mom and she's driving my to walker's house. it's about a 10 minute drive, so i don't have to wait long.

"so, what's going on with you and walker?" she asked, cutting through the pop song that had been playing on the radio.

i looked over at her in shock, wondering how she even knew about it. we didn't act that weird in front of her, did we?

"what? i see the way you guys look at eachother," she shrugged.

okay, we did.

"wha- the way we look at each other??" i repeat, wondering if she's been serious. me and walker don't look at each other in any way other than a friendly way. i mean sure, i've seen the edits or compilations of us looking at one another, but i never understood them because we're just looking at each other normally. not in a lovey-dovey way. weird.

"yes-it's cute!" mom answers, and i practically feel my face redden.

"cute? mom, gross." i say, and i look out the window so she can't see my face. "me and walker are just friends. and i certainly don't look at him in any way. i look at him in a friendly way." i tell her, and i realize i'm ranting in a sense that doesn't help my case.

call it what you want - walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now