xii : it's nice to have a friend

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 without ever touching his skin, how can i be guilty as sin? 

◇ without ever touching his skin, how can i be guilty as sin? ◇

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hii guyysssskjafhkhdbf THE TORTURED POERS DEPARTMENT IS SO GOOD!! whats ur fav song? (or songs, if you cant choose) -- and if ur not a taylor fan.. um hiiii how ya doin? enjoy the chapterrr


1 week and 3 days. 

that's how long it had been since i confessed to walker.

10 days to be exact, but who's counting? me. i am. 

240 hours, and nothing. silence. nothing had happened between either of us. he hadn't texted, called, or anything. i mean, i guess i hadn't either, but that was different. i was the one who confessed! i couldn't come crawling back to him. 

maybe i ruined our friendship. he doesn't like me back, and now he's giving me the silent treatment because he doesn't know how to tell me that he doesn't want to be friends anymore.

what is wrong with me?? i completely destroyed something good. 

my blank ceiling stares back at me--of course it was giving me the silent treatment, too.

i sit up in my bed, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. my eyes wander off to my window, and i see the gloomy and clouded gray sky. the usual spring-time weather seemed to be taking a pause, and i was met with sad skies. 

normally i liked weather like this. when it was peaceful, and stuff. but now this depressing weather is only dampening my mood even more. 

why did my life have to be so complicated? why could my life not be like some rom-com? boy likes girl. girl likes boy. they tell each other. it all works out. yay!!!

nope, not for me. 

i sigh--like, out loud, because that's how bad it is--and i decide to get up from my bed. i walk to the kitchen, appreciating the silence in my house, because my family wasn't there. 

i turn on the kettle to boil some water, because i figured this weather has me overdue for a cup of tea. as i wait for the water to boil, i suddenly hear a knock at my door. 

i feel a pang in my heart. it couldn't be walker, could it?

i tread over to the door, and as embarrassing as it is, i'm hoping it is walker. when i open the door, i'm met with four familiar faces. leah, dior, mckenna, and aryan. i try to push away the pit of disappointment in my stomach. it's my friends, i should be happy. 

"umm, what are you guys doing here?" i ask. 

"we're here to check up on you," leah answers.

"you've seemed really down for, like, a couple weeks, now." dior says.

call it what you want - walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now