Chapter 42

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From the moment President Pei opened the door, Zhou Yan felt that her existence was superfluous. President Pei and Cheng Xia only looked at each other. Zhou Yan was caught in the middle and felt like she was sitting on pins and needles. She simply found an excuse to slip away. "President Pei, Cheng Xia, you talk first. I will go and buy breakfast."

Zhou Yan passed by President Pei and he whispered to her, "You have watched Cheng Xia all night and it was hard on you. The matter has been resolved. Once you buy breakfast, go back to rest. Change with someone else and let them take care of Cheng Xia."

Zhou Yan hurriedly nodded. "Yes, President Pei. I will let Sister Rong take care of him."

She left and Pei Shaoze walked to Cheng Xia's bed. He saw that Cheng Xia's complexion had improved a lot and it wasn't as pale as yesterday. He finally let go of his worries and sat by Cheng Xia's bed.

Cheng Xia softly cared for him. "President Pei, did you sleep last night?"

The alpha's spirit didn't look very good. He stayed up late and there was some stubble on his chin. When he spoke just now, his voice was thick and hoarse. It seemed to be grinded down by sandpaper. Obviously, his throat was very dry. He really worked too hard. In order to find out the truth, he changed his flight and rushed back to Rong City. Then he went to the police station to submit evidence and stayed up all night.

The exhausted alpha made Cheng Xia a bit distressed. He hurriedly picked up a glass of water on the bedside table and handed it to Pei Shaoze, telling him seriously, "Drink a glass of water first. I haven't drunk from it."

Pei Shaoze couldn't help smiling. "You are a patient and I came to see you. How can you give me water to drink?"

Cheng Xia flushed but stubbornly stuffed the water cup into Pei Shaoze's hand. "Your voice is hoarse. Drink some water to moisturize your throat."

Pei Shaoze didn't refuse. He had been busy all night and his throat was indeed dry. The temperature of the water that Cheng Xia handed him was just right. He took it and drank several consecutive sips. He has been busy all night in the cold wind and his body was almost frozen. Now the warm water entered his throat and his limbs gradually warmed, his heart along with it.

He drank from the cup and then placed it back on the bedside table. Then he looked at Cheng Xia and asked softly like a parent, "How is your wound? Do you feel better?"

Cheng Xia smiled brightly. "It is much better. My wound doesn't hurt. Dr Qin came to see me this morning and said that in two days, I can remove the stitches and leave the hospital."

Pei Shaoze completely let go of all worries. "That's good."

He was silent for a moment before wondering softly, "Zhou Yan should've told you who hurt you?"

Last night, there was such a mess in the crew. In the end, Pei Shaoze asked about the leader behind the gangster. Later, the gangster was sent to the police station and everyone saw it. Director Liu must've informed Zhou Yan and Cheng Xia should know by now.

However, Pei Shaoze only told the police about Zhao Wenxiu's motive for committing the crime. As far as the crew knew, the gangster was instigated by Cheng Xia's former agent, Zhao Wenxiu. Everyone was at a loss about the reason. They guessed it was likely that Zhao Wenxiu and Cheng Xia didn't get along well. President Pei drove Zhao Wenxiu out of Tianxuan and Zhao Wenxiu held a grudge that he took out on Cheng Xia. The matter of Cheng Xia climbing into the boss' bed hadn't been made public.

Cheng Xia nodded at the question. He took out his phone to find the blocked Zhao Wenxiu and showed Pei Shaoze the previous chat records. "I scolded him and blocked him so perhaps Zhao Wenxiu wanted to retaliate."

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