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**Remi POV**

"Somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper!"

My alarm went off. Ugh. I dragged myself out of bed and toward the bathroom. I almost scared myself when I looked in the mirror. I have a darker caramel complexion. My moms mixed and my dad is Jamaican so yea. My hair is down to my back when strained, it's really curly. I detangled my hair and moisturized it to leave it in its natural state. I did all my hygiene and put together my cute first day outfit. (In media). When I was finished I grabbed my LV bag and ran downstairs. "Bye mom" I yelled while grabbing my new Ranges keys. I had five minutes to get to Starbucks or I would be late.

When I arrived to the school, I finished my coffee then hopped out. I made my way to the office to get my schedule. "Good Morning Ms. Remi Neverson. Your guide today will be Jay Livingston over there." She pointed to a bench in front of the office. I smiled and thanked her then made my way to Jay.

Jay was a fine chocolate boy. He was about 6'3 and had the prettiest hair. He was chillin to some music and didn't notice me next to him. So I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around. "Sup Ma! I'm Jay." He smiled showing his cute dimples and braces. I blushed and looked away. He took my arm softly and began walking. "Come on we have five minutes to get to your locker and class." I nodded and followed him. After I learned my locker combination we headed to my first class ,English. He took a look at my schedule. "Cool we have English, History, P.E and Lunch together." We walked into my first class and sat down. Two minutes later a girl walked in. She was pretty and had a nice chocolate complexion. "Excuse me little broad, you are in my seat." I looked at her like she was talking crazy."Excuse me bi- " I got cut off by Jay "Chill Crystal, this is Remi and she is new." She rolled her eyes and sat down in front of me. After the teacher handed out the assignments she turned back around. "Tomorrow you better find somewhere else to sit or we will have a problem." She smiled. I mumbled "Bitch" under my breath. I was glad she didn't hear me. Jay did though and he chuckled. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Jay and I exchanged numbers and he walked me to my car. "Do you need a ride?" I asked because he was nice to me today. "Naw I'm good I like walking." "No really get in I don't mind." He thought for a while then decided to get in. It was pretty quiet besides the radio playing Flex. I started humming then full out singing. I could tell Jay was looking at me. I blushed then turned down the radio. "So Jay, Do you and Crystal have was pretty tense in English today." He took a big breath and nodded. "Yea we dated all of Junior year. She was cool at first then I found out she cheated on me the whole time. I never really got over her so we...." He trailed off. "You what?" I asked wanting to know more. "We hook up from time to time." He looked down.

"Oh." I was kinda bummed because I liked him a little. It was silent the rest of the way to his house. I pulled into his driveway and he hopped out. "Thanks, again Remi . See you tomorrow." He smiled and closed the door. I nodded and backed out.

He lived in the other direction to school so it was a pretty decent drive back. I was so caught up in his relationship with Crystal that I forgot to stop for gas. The car began the slow down and I pulled over. I put my head on the wheel and said a silent prayer because I knew my mom was gonna be pissed. She worked an hour away so she would have to drive back her then back to work because she doesn't get off till eight. I didn't have any friends except Jay but he doesn't have a car. The last person in my contacts is August.

I took a deep breath and called him. He picked up on the third ring. "What's good Remi." His accent gave me chills. "Can you come pick me up? My car ran out of gas." I whined. "Fo sho, text me where you at ma I'll be there in five." "Thanks August." I heard him lick his lips. "Of course gorgeous." I blushed again for like the fifth time today. I hate my life .I hung up the phone and waited for him to pick me up. Five minutes later a black Dodge Charger pulled up next to me. The window rolled down and it was August . he smiled "Get in Ma." I hopped in and we quickly sped away.

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