𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

( not fair )


The first night was spent restlessly, with both Ares and Pandora unable to sleep. Neither of them could seem to let themselves relax, not when safety was an imaginary thing and anyone could come in the nightfall and slit their throats.

With the lack of sleep, they found themselves aimlessly chatting. Talking about things they never cared to share before, things that meant nothing but everything at the same time during what could be their final moments.

"You know, you used to sell to my parents before all of this, and they always adored you. I remember when my dad died, you gave my mom a whittled piece of wood carved into the shape of a flower in his memory," Pandora spoke quietly, her fingers clasped in front of her as she stared up at the broken icicles above them. "It meant more than you know. She kept it next to her bedside every night."

"I remember," Ares nodded his head. He hadn't known who Pandora was before her name was reaped, but now that she mentioned it, he'd been familiar with a lot of the adults in the District. Two of them apparently being Damon and Kara Lancaster, who he only then realized must have been her parents. He remembered them vividly, and he remembered when they both suddenly stopped venturing out into the District centre, sending one of their sons instead. At first Ares didn't think anything of it, but after a week waiting for them, he decided to check up on them himself and learnt about the recent death. "Admon; a red peony flower. That was the nickname your mom had for him."

"She took my dad's death really hard, I can't imagine how she is right now with me being in here. The baby of the family, her only daughter." Pandora sighed, adjusting the thermal sleeping bag to drape across her better. "My oldest brother, Sebastian, always told my other brothers that if their name was called, he'd volunteer for them. They all put their names in twenty times each for tesserae, while I only put mine in once. No one thought it would be me."

"I put my name in twenty times as well," Ares whispered. "But even then, I don't think my dad or grandma ever expected it to be called. That's the thing about life, isn't it? Nothing in the future is ever set in stone. You've got to be ready for anything, I suppose."

"Do you think they're watching us now?"

"Probably. I think I'd be offended if they weren't." Ares laughed weakly, turning to look over at the girl lying next to him. In truth, he hoped his dad and grandma had turned away from the screen when he killed Terry. He may not have seen Terry's face when he stabbed him through the back, but surely whatever expression it contorted into when the blade went through his chest was one for nightmares.

Pandora hummed, turning to face him as well. "Can you promise me something?" Ares met her gaze, finding a mix of contemplation and determination in her eyes. She reached over, her hand leaving the warmth of the sleeping bag to grip his resting hand. She squeezed it firmly, transferring her intent through the touch alone. "Promise me you'll look after them."

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