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After arriving home from the hospital, Yoongi carefully laid the sleeping baby in its crib, watching over the little one with a mixture of awe and concern. Yn, weary but radiant, sank into the sofa, the relief of being home evident in her eyes.

At Night....

As Yoongi emerged from the nursery, he beckoned everyone to gather in the living room. It wasn't long before Taehyung, Jimin, J-Hope, Namjoon, and Jin were all present, greeted by the sight of Yn and the slumbering newborn. Jin, the oldest, couldn't conceal his curiosity and was the first to voice the question: "Yoongi, why did you call us here?"

A hush fell over the room as Yoongi hesitated, then cleared his throat. "I have something important to share. I want to get married." His announcement was met with stunned silence, and all eyes turned to J-Hope, known for his calm and reassuring nature.

J-Hope stepped forward, a soft smile gracing his lips as he placed a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Marriage, huh? That's wonderful news, Yoongi," he said, his tone encouraging.

Jimin, the ever-curious one, couldn't withhold his surprise. "You want to get married? But to whom?" He questioned the confusion evident in his voice. Yoongi met his gaze and spoke with assurance, "To Yn."

The room erupted into a collective surprise. "What?!" exclaimed Namjoon, echoing the disbelief shared by the others. Before Yoongi could explain further, J-Hope intervened. Taking a deep breath, he began to speak, carefully laying out the circumstances that had led to this moment. He spoke of the bond between Yoongi and Yn, of the challenges they faced together, and the love that had blossomed between them.

As J-Hope concluded, a thoughtful quiet settled over the room. The initial shock gave way to understanding, and the group's expressions softened with empathy and support. Jin, always the voice of reason, spoke up. "I see. Well, Yoongi, we trust your judgment. If this is what makes you happy, then we're behind you all the way."

With a warm smile, J-Hope echoed Jin's sentiment. "Yoongi, we're all here for you. We care about you, Yn, and the baby. Your happiness means everything to us."

Relief washed over Yoongi as he felt the weight of understanding and encouragement from his friends. They were not just his bandmates, but a family who embraced him in every moment, including this pivotal one.

After that Yoongi walked quietly down the hallway, his heart full of tenderness for Yn as he approached the door to her room. He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of her sleeping form, her gentle breathing, and the soft glow of the moonlight that filtered through the window, casting a serene light over her features. Despite feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, seeing her there in that moment brought a sense of peace and belonging to his heart.

As he stood at the door, watching over her, he felt a surge of joy knowing that they would soon be together, their love intertwining to form something unbreakable. However, his happiness was short-lived as he noticed a shift in Yn's sleeping form. She began to toss and turn, her peaceful slumber disrupted by the turmoil of a nightmare.

Unable to watch her struggle, Yoongi felt a pang of concern and hurried to her side. Yn's restless movements grew more frantic as she mumbled desperate pleas and cried " No! No please I'm sorry jungkook please don't hurt me please". Her distress was evident, and her tears in the dream world mirrored the emotions that danced across her face in the waking world.

"Yn, Yn, what happened?" Yoongi whispered softly, his voice filled with worry as he gently shook her awake. He longed to soothe her, to chase away the shadows of her nightmare and replace them with the comfort of his presence.

As Yn slowly awakened, her eyes fluttered open, and she gazed up at him, her tear-streaked cheeks reflecting the lingering echoes of her distress. "Yoongi," she whispered, her voice catching in her throat as she sought refuge in his comforting presence.

Gently, he took her into his arms, holding her close as she clung to him, the remnants of her nightmare fading in the warmth of his embrace. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Yn. You're safe," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled soul.

In the stillness of the room, Yoongi held Yn, comforting her as the remnants of her nightmare slowly ebbed away. He whispered reassurances, his words a tender melody meant to chase away the lingering fears that had plagued her sleep. Gradually, Yn's breath steadied, and the tension in her body began to ease as she sought solace in the strength of Yoongi's comforting arms.

After a while, as the last echoes of Yn's distress drifted away, a sense of calm settled over the room, enfolding them both in its gentle embrace. Yoongi continued to hold her, unwilling to let her go, and she clung to him, finding solace in the safety of his arms.

As they sat together, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, Yoongi brushed a gentle kiss against Yn's forehead, his actions filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes of his love for her. "I'm here, Yn. I'll always be here for you," he said, his voice resolute, and his gaze unwavering.

Yn looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and lingering vulnerability. "Thank you, Yoongi," she murmured, her voice a gentle whisper that carried the weight of her emotions. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Yoongi's heart swelled with an overwhelming rush of love and protectiveness as he held Yn close, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of his emotions. "You'll never have to find out. I'll always be by your side," he vowed, his words holding the promise of unwavering devotion.

In that moment, amidst the stillness of the night, they found solace in each other's presence, their love creating a sanctuary that shielded them from the uncertainties of the world. As Yn nestled against Yoongi, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, they both knew that they were bound by a love that was unyielding and unbreakable.

Throughout the night, Yoongi remained by Yn's side, his presence a steadfast anchor that chased away the remnants of her nightmare and brought her peace. And as the first rays of dawn brushed the sky with their gentle hues, Yn's sleep became serene once more, her dreams filled with the warmth of Yoongi's love and the promise of a future where they would stand together, facing whatever challenges may come their way.


Broken By You (Yoongi ff) 21+  ( Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now