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"Fishing? You're going fishing?" 

Althea spun around on her heels as she talked on the phone with her co-worker—well, ex-coworker, because she got fired from the bar, finally. Althea was honestly surprised Joe didn't do it sooner, but perhaps a certain Filipina had been begging him not to fire her new work bestie. Just maybe.

"Yes, Althea, fishing," she could hear Cristina rolling her eyes at her through the phone, so Althea rolled hers in response as she held her phone between her shoulder and ear so she could start brewing her latte. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

Althea just chuckled on the other line and said, "Because even I know you don't fish. Maybe what you need is um..." Althea tried to think of anything, any suggestions. She stared at her latte. "... a new... coffee table... yanno, to replace the old one?"

"I already got a new coffee table, Evil Spawn replaced the one his body broke when Dr. Nepotism hit him," Cristina replied.

Althea couldn't even fault her, she also gave everyone ridiculous nicknames. 

After her conversation with Cristina, Althea pours from Fruit Punch flavored Crystal Lite into her water bottle—because she is a baby who can't drink water unless it tastes like juice— shaking it rigorously to mix the powder with the water while her creamer frothed in her electronic frother. She looked around her cleaned kitchen, thankful for Ryan and his incessant need to take care of her, as she got ready to enjoy a pleasant, quiet, peaceful morning alone.

Her doorbell rang.

She tried to withhold a sigh. She had planned for yesterday to be the day alone with no one bothering her, holed up in her empty house, but then the plans for the haunted corn maze got moved from the originally planned date, and she didn't have it in her to show any signs of weakness to her friends and tell them she couldn't make the re-schedule because of her already scheduled wallowing. 

She opened the door, seeing the same three boys who had already got in the way of her previously scheduled wallowing, but all three are holding guilty faces and gifts.

"What is all this?" she asked, blinking blankly at them all. 

"We realized what yesterday was after we dropped you off..." Travis trailed off awkwardly as he held up a box of donuts from the place he knew Althea liked.

She couldn't help but let the corners of her lips move upwards in a smile.

Michael had bouquet of flowers, and Theo had... a mini cactus?

"I've seen what you do to plants," Theo explained when he saw her eying the cactus in his hand.

"Gee... thanks," she said sarcastically.

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