Before We Start

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The last of the three characters I conducted a poll for so long ago is finally getting her own book.

It's about time the beautiful spartan of RWBY gets a book of her own from me.

Pyrrha is my favorite girl from RWBY and I've seriously been looking forward to starting this book for a long time.

As per usual, here are the rules :

No lemons

No incest

No harems

Like with my other character one shot books, there will be a yandere chapter along with a cheater chapter at some point, but neither Pyrrha nor the reader will be doing the cheating.

This may be obvious considering this is a male reader insert book, but there will be no Arkos shipping here, or any shipping at all for that matter.

Also, at no point in this book will Pyrrha die, mostly because I prefer to write wholesome and fluff filled stories rather than heavy angst, but also because the poor girl didn't deserve to die the way she did and I intend to give Pyrrha the happiness she deserves in this book.

One more thing....I am not taking requests so please don't bombard my inbox with them. Thank you.

That pretty much covers everything I wanted to say soooo....let's hop right in shall we?

Love and Destiny : Pyrrha Nikos x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now