His Jealousy

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[G/N] = Guy Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

While out on a date with her boyfriend [Y/N], Pyrrha takes hold of his hand as they walk together.

Pyrrha : I'm having a really good time with you [Y/N].

She says to him with a warm smile on her face, which he quickly returns.

[Y/N] : So am I Pyrr.

And I doubt anything could spoil this.

The two continue on their way before a masculine voice calls out to Pyrrha.

??? : Well if it isn't the Invincible Girl herself. Fancy running into you Nikos.

Both turn around to see a well built guy looking at the red haired girl with a smug grin.

Why the heck is he looking at her like that?

[Y/N] questions, already beginning to dislike this mystery man.

Pyrrha : Hello [G/N], it's been a while.

[G/N] : Yes, I haven't seen your beautiful face since you decided to waste your time attending Beacon Academy. Hope you haven't missed me too much.

He says as Pyrrha laughs awkwardly while looking uncomfortable, which her boyfriend doesn't fail to notice.

It's official, I definitely do not like this dude.

[G/N] : Tell me Pyrrha, what are you doing hanging out with.....him?

He asks her while shooting a judgmental look at [Y/N].

Pyrrha : This is my boyfriend [Y/N], and right now we're supposed to be on a date.

She tells him as politely as she can, though with traces of annoyance in her voice.

[G/N] : Boyfriend? Hah! Attending Beacon must've really lowered your standards Nikos.

[Y/N] : What's that supposed to mean?!

[G/N] : Not that it's anything of your business, but Pyrrha and I used to date.

[Y/N]'s eyes widened in shock at this revelation.

Why would Pyrrha ever go out with someone like him?!

Pyrrha : [G/N], it was.....nice....seeing you again, but if you'll excuse us, [Y/N] and I-

[G/N] : Oh come on Pyrrha, why don't you just forget about this loser and get back with me?

Pyrrha : I....I beg your pardon?

[G/N] : You heard me. I'm a way better match for you than him, so what do you say sweet cheeks?

He goes to grab her arm, but is stopped by a fuming [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Who do you think you are saying stuff like that?!

[G/N] : Me? I'm a champion just like Pyrrha. So if you don't wanna get hurt, buzz off to somewhere else while me and Pyrrha talk.

[Y/N] : Not happening pal. Leave my girlfriend alone before you really tick me off!

[G/N] : Just accept it man! Pyrrha is way out of your league, so back off and let her be with someone who actually deserves-

He's cut off by a swift punch to the jaw from [Y/N], Pyrrha staring at her boyfriend with wide eyes.

[Y/N] : Let that be a warning to you [G/N]. Stay away from Pyrrha or next time...

He cracks his knuckles as [G/N] backs away.

[Y/N] : I won't hold back.

Gently taking his girlfriend's hand, [Y/N] leads her away from the stunned [G/N].

[Y/N] : Let's go Pyrr.

After giving [G/N] a glare full of disgust, Pyrrha walks off with her boyfriend in silence.


On the way back to Beacon, [Y/N] finally speaks up.

[Y/N] : I'm sorry Pyrr.

He's apologizing? Why?

Pyrrha : Don't be. [G/N] was acting like a jerk and said some awful things. Though I was very surprised to see you punch him. You aren't usually a violent person [Y/N].

[Y/N] : W-well, he just set me off I guess.

Pyrrha : I see.

She stops walking and turns to look at him.

Pyrrha : Did he make you jealous?

Her question catches [Y/N] off guard.

[Y/N] : No! I wasn't jealous of that slimeball! The things he said about both of us just really got to me!

He exclaims before turning away from his girlfriend before speaking up again.

[Y/N] : Was [G/N] telling the truth when he said you two used to date?

She sighs and looks down before nodding.

Pyrrha : Unfortunately yes. He wasn't always a jerk, when we first started dating he was a pretty nice guy. The popularity and fame of being a champion began to change him through, which ultimately is the reason I broke up with [G/N].

[Y/N] : Do you....have any lingering feelings for him Pyrr?

He asks, slightly afraid of what her answer is going to be.

Pyrrha : No. Anything I felt for him is long gone. You are the only guy I have feelings for now [Y/N]. Why would you even ask me that after what happened earlier?

[Y/N] : S-sorry, I was just curious.

He blushes in embarrassment as Pyrrha smiles to herself.

[Y/N] really was jealous of [G/N].

She wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheek, slightly flustering him.

[Y/N] : W-what are you doing Pyrr?

Pyrrha : Just showing my amazing boyfriend how much he means to me.

Holding him close, Pyrrha rests her head against his shoulder.

Pyrrha : Don't pay any mind to what [G/N] said ok? I am not out of your league and you do deserve me. I haven't regretted dating you one bit, and I never will. I love you so much [Y/N].

D-darn it, I can't help but get emotional at hearing stuff like that.

He gets a little teary eyed before looking into his girlfriend's vibrant green eyes with a smile.

[Y/N] : I love you too Pyrr.

Pyrrha kisses him again as the two lovingly embrace, both forgetting all about [G/N] as they proceed on their way back to the dorms to continue their date.

Love and Destiny : Pyrrha Nikos x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now