Stormy Nights

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

Late one evening at Beacon Academy, [Y/N] [L/N] is relaxing in his dorm with his girlfriend Pyrrha Nikos, who decided to spend the night with him.

Ahh, this is nice. There is nothing better than enjoying a nice quiet evening with the girl I love.

He thinks to himself with a smile as Pyrrha walks over to him in her pajamas and hands her boyfriend a cup of hot chocolate.

[Y/N] : Thanks Pyrr. So, what movie do you wanna watch?

Before she can answer, the sound of heavy rainfall from outside catches the two's attention.

I thought it wasn't supposed to rain tonight? Oh well, as long as it doesn't get too bad, then it's fine.

He turns to face his girlfriend, who has a nervous look on her face.

[Y/N] : Babe, are you alright?

Pyrrha : Y-yes, I'm fine [Y/N]. Let's just pick a movie.

[Y/N] : If you say so Pyrr.

After making their decision, [Y/N] goes to put the film on before a bolt of lightning strikes down from outside his window.

So much for not getting too bad. Hopefully the power doesn't go out.

[Y/N] frowns slightly before noticing Pyrrha hiding under the covers of his bed looking afraid.

Ok, something is definitely up with her.

[Y/N] : Pyrrha? Sweetie? Are you sure you're ok?

He asks her in a gentle voice as she peeks at him from behind the covers.

Pyrrha : L-like I'm said before [Y/N], nothing's wro-

She's cut off by another loud lightning strike, causing her to gasp before retreating back under the covers.

Oooh, I get what's going on now. How could I forget that Pyrrha has a deep fear of thunderstorms?

Approaching his bed slowly, [Y/N] sits down next to his girlfriend and carefully wraps an arm around her.

[Y/N] : I've got you Pyrr, so just try to calm down. You're shaking like a leaf.

He rubs her back in a soothing motion in order to relax the scared red haired girl.

Unfortunately, lightning strikes once again and undoes [Y/N]'s work at calming his girlfriend.

Seriously?! Screw you nature!

[Y/N] : Sit tight babe, I'll be back in a moment.

Pyrrha : W-where are you going?

She asks while holding on to her boyfriend's arm, reluctant to let him go.

Please...don't leave me [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Don't worry Pyrr, I'm only going to get something that will help with the lightning.

He replies to her softly before getting up and walking into the bathroom, coming back a moment later with a portable cd player.

[Y/N] : This should do the trick, as long as the batteries don't run out.

Turning it on, sounds of calming jazz music fills the room, blocking out any outside noise.

[Y/N] : Alrighty, is that better now Pyrrha?

She smiles warmly at him and nods.

Pyrrha : Yes, thank you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : No problem babe, I'd do anything for you.

He tells her with a smile of his own before getting back into bed.

Resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, Pyrrha speaks up after a moment of comfortable silence.

Pyrrha : I appreciate how you tried comforting me earlier [Y/N]. It means a lot.

[Y/N] : You're welcome Pyrr, I hate seeing you upset.

Pyrrha : You probably think it's a little silly of me to be scared of storms huh?

She chuckles dryly while looking down sadly, to which [Y/N] gives her a hug and shakes his head.

[Y/N] : I don't think that at all babe. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, everyone is afraid of something.

Pyrrha : What are you afraid of [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : Lots of things really. Spiders, heights, the dark, and.....losing you.

Hearing that last one, Pyrrha looks at her boyfriend with mild concern.

Pyrrha : I had no idea you were scared of something like that [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Well it's true, I can't stand those eight legged hell spawns.

He jokes to lighten up the mood, earning a chuckle from his girlfriend.

She's laughing....good. That means her mind is completely off the storm now. Mission accomplished.

Pyrrha : You're funny [Y/N], but you don't ever have to worry about losing me. I will always be with you, whether it be in body or in spirit.

[Y/N] blushes as she kisses him on the cheek.

[Y/N] : W-we should probably start drinking our hot chocolates before they get cold.

Pyrrha : Right, of course.

A smile forms on her face while looking at her boyfriend's growing blush before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

He's so cute when he gets flustered. I don't know how I got so lucky to end up with a guy like [Y/N], but I'm glad I did. He's always doing whatever he can to make me happy, and tonight is no different.

Pyrrha : I love you so much [Y/N].

She says while snuggling up next to him.

[Y/N] : I love you too Pyrrha.

The two attempt sharing a kiss, but stop when they hear the music abruptly end.

Oh no! I knew I should've bought a fresh pack the last time I was in Vale!

[Y/N] : D-don't panic babe, I can think of something else to block out the lightning.

Pyrrha : You may not need to [Y/N]. Listen.

He complies, noticing it's completely quiet.

The storm must have ended. That was quick, not that I'm complaining mind you.

[Y/N] : Well then, movie night is back on!

Finally putting the movie on, [Y/N] excitedly jumps back into bed as he and Pyrrha get comfortable and proceed to enjoy their evening together now that the storm is over.

Love and Destiny : Pyrrha Nikos x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now