Training Arc

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[W/N] = Weapon Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

On the rooftop of Beacon Academy, first year student and leader of Team JNPR Jaune Arc is training with his teammate Pyrrha Nikos and her boyfriend [Y/N] [L/N].

[Y/N] : Excellent job Jaune. Your reflexes have gotten better.

Pyrrha : Yes, but you still need to work on your stance.

She helps him up after knocking him onto his back a moment ago during a training exercise.

Jaune : Thanks guys.

He says before shifting his body into the position Pyrrha taught him in a previous training session while having a tight grip on his weapon Crocea Mors.

Jaune : Ok, how's this Pyrrha?

She looks at his new stances and smiles in approval.

Pyrrha : Better. Now I think you're ready for some more advanced training, don't you agree [Y/N]?

She looks to her boyfriend, who nods his head in agreement.

[Y/N] : Yep. He's done well by dodging and blocking all of my attacks so far, but let's see how he fares when I put a bit more effort into this friendly spar.

Pyrrha : Just promise me you won't go overboard, the whole purpose of this is to train Jaune, not to beat him.

The redhead tells [Y/N] with a pleading voice, fully knowing how intense her boyfriend can get during combat.

[Y/N] : Jeez Pyrr, you make me sound like some kind of ruthless monster. I know when to hold back.

He says, feeling slightly offended by his girlfriend's words.

Pyrrha : You're right, I'm sorry.

She plants a kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush before turning to face Jaune.

[Y/N] : Ready Arc?

He asks his friend while pointing [W/N] at him.

Jaune : I'm ready. Bring it on [Y/N]!

[Y/N] : So your confidence has improved as well? Good, show me what you've got man!

The blonde haired knight rushes at [Y/N] and attempts to strike at him with Crocea Mors, only for it to be blocked by [W/N].

[Y/N] : Nice attack Jaune! I could feel the power behind it!

Jaune : Thanks! If you liked that, then you'll love this!

He charges again with his shield out before suddenly striking at [Y/N] three times in rapid succession, catching him off guard as he drops [W/N].

[Y/N] : Woah! Taking a page right out of my playbook huh? I'm so prou-

He cuts himself off as he notices Jaune and Pyrrha staring at him in shock.

[Y/N] : What?

Pyrrha : Babe, y-your arm....

[Y/N] : My arm? What about my a-

Looking down, his eyes widen as he sees a trail of blood streaming down his arm.

[Y/N] : Oh. Seems like you stabbed me Jaune.

He says in complete nonchalance as JNPR's leader cautiously approaches him with a face full of guilt.

Jaune : I'm so sorry [Y/N]! I didn't mean to do that! Please don't be mad!

To his surprise, [Y/N] simply shakes his head and picks up [W/N].

[Y/N] : Why would I be mad? That move was totally awesome! Besides, my aura is already taking care of it. Look!

He holds out his arm, which is currently covered with aura that is indeed undoing the damage caused by Crocea Mors.

[Y/N] : Though I will need to wash the blood off when I get back to my dorm. But enough about that, you landed a solid hit on me Jaune, one I didn't see coming. Congrats man.

Jaune : T-thank you [Y/N]....I guess?

He says, still a bit shook up from what happened.

[Y/N] : So, wanna continue training?

Pyrrha : I....think Jaune's done for the night.

Jaune : Y-yeah. Thank you for helping me improve guys.

[Y/N] : No problem man. Next time we train, maybe Crocea Mors will go all the way through my arm?

Pyrrha : [Y/N]! Don't say that!

[Y/N] : What?! I was joking! In all seriousness though, you've come a long way since the beginning of the semester Jaune, you're gonna make a great huntsman someday.

He gives Jaune a warm smile, which he returns.

Jaune : Thanks [Y/N]. I'm gonna head back to the dorm now, are you coming Pyrrha?

Pyrrha : I'll be back later Jaune, [Y/N] and I are going to watch a movie together in his dorm.

Jaune : Alright then. Have fun!

He leaves as Pyrrha looks at her boyfriend and smiles.

Pyrrha : That was really nice of you to say [Y/N].

[Y/N] : It's the truth though. He really has improved since initiation. Despite what others might say, especially a certain heiress, Jaune isn't weak. He just didn't receive the proper training we all got before attending Beacon. Everyone starts from somewhere, and Jaune has made so much progress in such a short amount of time. I meant it when I said he'll become an amazing huntsman in the future.

Pyrrha : You know [Y/N], that's the thing I love most about you. The fact that you're always so kind and supportive of others is what made me fall for you.

She says while wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder.

[Y/N] : What can I say? Being negative and mean just isn't my style. So, how about you and I go start that movie?

Pyrrha : I'd love to, but let's get your arm cleaned up first.

[Y/N] : Fine. I love you Pyrr.

She kisses him on the lips before pulling away with a loving smile on her face.

Pyrrha : I love you too [Y/N].

After an evening of training with Jaune on the roof, the two finally head back inside hand in hand.

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