A Grimm Reunion

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Author's Note : Now I know I said in the Before We Start chapter that I wouldn't kill Pyrrha off at any point, but the premise of this chapter is too interesting to pass up, so consider this the lone exception.

Now let the story begin.

It's been a few weeks since Beacon fell, and though things have been difficult for everyone, a first year student named [Y/N] [L/N] has suffered more than most.

After he and his team evacuated the Grimm infested city, [Y/N] eventually found out that his girlfriend Pyrrha Nikos was killed during the chaos.

I...I can't believe she's gone. If we weren't busy fighting off loads of Grimm, maybe...I could've saved her. Pyrrha....I miss you so much.

Tears fall from the young man's eyes as his teammates look at each other, unsure how to comfort their grieving leader.

Luckily, Professor [L/N], a teacher at Beacon Academy and [Y/N]'s father, brings his son into a comforting hug.

Professor [L/N] : I know it hurts [Y/N], but there was nothing you could've done. All you can do now is keep her memory alive in your heart and continue moving forward, it's what Pyrrha would've wanted.

H-he's right. She wouldn't want me to be sad and depressed like this, but I just can't help but feel so empty inside.

[Y/N] continues to sob into his father's shoulder as one of his teammates speaks up.

Teammate #1 : Professor [L/N], with Beacon in ruins, where do we go from here?

Professor [L/N] : Haven Academy.

Teammate #2 : Haven? But why?

Professor [L/N] : My old friend Qrow Branwen told me he's going there with his niece and the remaining members of Team JNPR. We have reason to believe that the people responsible for what happened at Beacon will try doing the same thing there.

Teammate #3 : What?! We can't let that happen!

Professor [L/N] : Exactly. Gather your things kids, we're heading to Mistral.

His son flinches at hearing the word Mistral, due to it reminding him of his fallen love.

[Y/N] : R-right. Come on guys, let's get ready.

After making preparations, the four first years and their teacher begin the long journey to Haven Academy, unaware that they're being watched by a pair of glowing red eyes from the shadows.

??? : Must....kill huntsmen. My mistress commands me.


While walking down a path surrounded on all sides by trees, one of the teens begins to feel creeped out.

Teammate #2 : H-hey guys, am I the only one getting the feeling we're being watched?

Teammate #1 : Nah, you're just being paranoid.

Teammate #3 : Yeah man, just try to relax a little.

Now that he mentioned it, I have that feeling too.

[Y/N] thinks to himself before sharing a quick glance with his father, who's thinking the same thing.

Professor [L/N] : Stay alert boys, I think we are being watched.

The five start looking all around them before [Y/N] spots the red eyes staring at him from behind a tree!

[Y/N] : Guys! Over there!

He shouts as the figure reveals itself, causing everyone's eyes to widen....especially [Y/N].

[Y/N] : P-Pyrrha?

The being in front of them does indeed look like the Invincible Girl, but with ghostly white skin, blood red eyes, and silver hair.

Teammate #3 : How is this possible? I thought she died back at Beacon?

Teammate #1 : And why does she look so.....grimmified?

Professor [L/N] : This must be Salem's doing.

Teammate #2 : Who the heck is Salem?

Professor [L/N] : No time to explain now, just get ready to fight!

[Y/N] : What?!

Professor [L/N] : Just trust me [Y/N]! She's not the same Pyrrha you knew before!

Pyrrha : Die huntsmen!

She lets out a roar before lunging at the five, who quickly scatter and pull out their weapons.

Teammate #2 : Why is she attacking us?!

Teammate #3 : Beats me! She's acting like a feral animal!

Teammate #1 : [Y/N]! You're our leader, so what's the plan?!

[Y/N] : I....I don't know! But we can't hurt her!

He says while narrowly dodging a powerful strike from his girlfriend.

Teammate #1 : Well apparently she has no issue with trying to hurt us!

[Y/N] : Pyrrha, don't you recognize me?! It's me! Your boyfriend!

He tries reasoning with her, causing Pyrrha to stop and stare at him for a moment.

Pyrrha : ....[Y/N]......?

Yes, it's working! I'm getting through to her!

[Y/N] : That's right! Pyrrha, please come to your senses! We are not your enemy!

She grips her head and stumbles around for a couple seconds before regaining her composure and snarls at [Y/N].

Pyrrha : Must kill huntsmen! Mistress orders me to!

Mistress? Could that be this Salem person dad mentioned earlier?

[Y/N] wonders as the grimmified girl lunges at him with killing intent.

Professor [L/N] : [Y/N] watch out!

Teammate #2 : Don't worry Professor, I've got this!

Using his semblance, he stops the angered Nikos by trapping her in a bubble shaped energy construct.

Teammate #3 : That was way too close. I honestly forgot that was your semblance man.

Teammate #1 : Yeah, good job dude.

Teammate #2 : Thanks, but it won't hold her forever.

He says as Pyrrha screams with rage and pounds furiously on the bubble.

With her contained for the moment, [Y/N] stares at his girlfriend as a tear streams down his face.

I have no idea what happened to you babe, but I promise that I'll try finding a way to return you back to your old self. I love you so much Pyrrha. Now...

He and his teammates all turn to face Professor [L/N].

I believe my father has some explaining to do.

To be continued...

Love and Destiny : Pyrrha Nikos x Male Reader One Shots and ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now