Her Jealousy

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[B/N] = Brother Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

During lunch period at Beacon Academy, Pyrrha is sitting next to her friends and boyfriend [Y/N] [L/N] when a yelp is heard from a nearby table that catches everyone's attention.

At this table, first year student Cardin Winchester and his team are once again tormenting Velvet Scarlatina, a rabbit faunus [Y/N] is close friends with.

[Y/N] : Seriously?! Why hasn't Ozpin expelled Cardin and his goons yet?!

Yang : Beats me, but someone really should teach them a lesson.

[Y/N] : Yeah, and it's gonna be me!

He gets up from his seat before his girlfriend gently grabs his arm.

Pyrrha : Don't do it [Y/N]. You'll get in trouble with Goodwitch if you confront Cardin now. I agree with Yang, but-

[Y/N] : There doesn't need to be a 'but' Pyrr! I'm tired of him treating Velvet like that! I'll be right back babe, this should only take a minute.

He removes Pyrrha's hand from his arm and makes his way over to Velvet's table.

Weiss : There he goes again, protecting Velvet might as well be his profession at this point.

Jaune : Now that you mention it, [Y/N] does do that a lot.

Yang : Maybe the two of them are secretly in a relationship?

She jokes as Pyrrha's eyes widen.

Ruby : Yang! You shouldn't say stuff like that, especially in front of Pyrrha!

Yang : I'm kidding! [Y/N] would never cheat, right Pyrrha?

The red haired girl doesn't respond as she looks down with a sad expression.

Ren : Is everything alright Pyrrha?

Pyrrha : Y-yeah, I'm just thinking about what Yang said.

Weiss : Why?

Pyrrha : Don't get me wrong, I trust [Y/N], but he and Velvet are awfully close.

Blake : They do spend quite a lot of time together? Maybe there is a spark there?

Nora : Way to make her feel better Blake!

Blake : I'm just being honest.

Pyrrha : I love [Y/N], but whenever he's with Velvet, I get this weird feeling.

Ren : Sounds like jealousy to me.

Pyrrha : I guess that makes sense, but I don't wanna feel that way.

Blake : Then you should talk to [Y/N] and tell him how you've been feeling.

Yang : Yeah! [Y/N] is crazy about you Pyrrha! He would totally understand!

Pyrrha : Thank you guys.

She smiles at her friends as [Y/N] comes back with Velvet after dealing with Cardin.

Nora : So? Did you break his legs [Y/N]?

She asks in excitement as he chuckles and shakes his head.

[Y/N] : Maybe next time Nora, but I did break his nose.

Yang : Awesome!

He and the blonde brawler high five each other before the timid rabbit faunus speaks up.

Velvet : T-thank you for standing up for me [Y/N].

[Y/N] : No problem Velv, if [B/N] were here, he would've done way more to Cardin than I did.

Ruby : Who's [B/N]?

[Y/N] : He's my older brother, a second year student just like Velvet.

Velvet : Uh-huh, he's also my boyfriend.

She says with a small smile as everyone is shocked at learning this, especially Pyrrha.

Pyrrha : B-boyfriend?

Yang : Wow, guess you were jealous for nothing after all Pyrrha.

Hearing this, [Y/N] looks at his girlfriend in confusion.

[Y/N] : Huh? What's she talking about Pyrr?

She blushes from embarrassment before turning to face her boyfriend while letting out a small sigh.

Pyrrha : I'm sorry [Y/N], but you've been spending so much time with Velvet and protect her so often that I thought you might...have feelings for her.

[Y/N] : I see. That made you feel a little jealous didn't it?

His redheaded girlfriend gives him a small nod as he wraps an arm around her, causing her to blush a little.

[Y/N] : Well I'm sorry too Pyrrha. I never meant to make you feel jealous and I should've told you sooner about Velvet dating my brother.

Velvet : Trust me Pyrrha, you have nothing to worry about. I only see [Y/N] as a friend, and besides, [B/N] is the only guy I'd wanna be with.

[Y/N] : Just like how you're the only girl I want to be with. I love you Pyrrha.

He says with a smile that just makes Pyrrha's heart melt.

Pyrrha : I....I love you too [Y/N]. To be honest, I can't help but feel a little silly for being jealous of you and Velvet.

She awkwardly giggles as [Y/N] shakes his head and pulls her closer to him.

[Y/N] : It's fine Pyrr, in all honesty, I would've been a little jealous too if the roles were reversed. Though if you ever start to feel that way again babe, all you have to do is come talk to me about it.

Pyrrha : I will [Y/N]. I love you.

He kisses her on the lips before pulling away with a smile.

[Y/N] : I love you too Pyrr.

Weiss : I'd hate to ruin the heartfelt moment you two are having, but I have a question for you [Y/N]. Where exactly is [B/N] right now?

[Y/N] : I think he's on a special mission with his team at the moment.

Blake : Special mission?

Velvet : Uh-huh, he wasn't allowed to tell me all the details, but I recall [B/N] saying something about a bandit clan near Anima.

This catches Yang's interest, but before she could say anything, the bell rings.

Nora : Ugh, back to class already?!

[Y/N] : You and I have the same class Pyrr, so are you ready to go?

She nods as everyone gets up and leaves the lunchroom, Pyrrha no longer feeling any jealousy as she walks to her next class with [Y/N] hand in hand.

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