Understood Feelings

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

In Professor Port's class, first year [Y/N] [L/N] is sitting with his friends of Team RWBY while sneaking occasional glances at Pyrrha Nikos, a member of Team JNPR whom he happens to have feelings for.

Noticing what he's doing, [Y/N]'s friend Yang smiles cheekily while whispering in his ear.

Yang : Hey loverboy, still crushing on the Invincible Girl I see? Why don't you just ask her out already?

[Y/N] : I wish I could Yang, but everyone knows she likes Jaune. Confessing to her would just be a one way ticket to heartbreak.

Yang : I don't know about that [Y/N]. Sure, Pyrrha might have a crush on Jaune, but you've been her best friend since you were kids, so maybe if she knew how you felt, she might feel the same way?

[Y/N] : Her and I being so close only makes things more tragic Yang. If she rejected me, our friendship would never be the same again. If Jaune's who she wants to be with, I just have to keep my feelings hidden and accept it.

He says sadly before turning his attention back to Port's story as Yang frowns.

This isn't over [Y/N]. I hate seeing one of my friends so miserable, so me and the others are gonna help you out.

She thinks to herself while exchanging looks with the rest of her team, who were close enough to hear the whispering between her and [Y/N].


After classes end for the day, Yang and the rest of Team RWBY are in their dorm discussing [Y/N] and Pyrrha.

Yang : There has to be a way to get them together!

Blake : Yang, you can't force things like this. Pyrrha likes Jaune, and that's just how it is.

Ruby : But what about [Y/N]?! He's been suffering on the inside while watching the girl he loves crush on another guy! I don't like it!

Weiss : I agree with the dolt, seeing [Y/N] this way is hard to watch. He's such a great friend to sacrifice his own feelings so she can be happy.

Ruby : You agree with me?! Thanks best buddy!

She pulls Weiss into a hug, causing her to sigh with an annoyed expression.

Yang : We need to tell Pyrrha how [Y/N] feels about her! Maybe then she'll realize that he is the guy for her, no offense to Jaune of course.

Blake : But what if that doesn't work? If Pyrrha doesn't feel the same way about [Y/N], it'll just make things worse for him.

Yang : It's better than keeping his feelings bottled up like he is now! I hate to say it, but if [Y/N]'s feelings are unrequited, at least he'll know so then he can move on from Pyrrha.

Weiss : That....actually makes sense.

Yang : Thanks! Ruby, please text Pyrrha to come here.

Ruby : Already sent it sis!

For better or for worse, Pyrrha's about to find out how her childhood best friend really feels about her. Hopefully, this will all work out in your favor [Y/N].

The four girls then wait for Pyrrha to arrive, which she does a few minutes later.

Pyrrha : Hello! You four needed me for something?

Yang : Yeah, we wanna talk to you.

Ruby : It's about [Y/N].

[Y/N]? Why do they want to discuss [Y/N]? Could it be that...one of them has feelings for him?

She questions before feeling a slight ache in her chest at the thought of one of Team RWBY's members dating her friend for some strange reason.

Pyrrha : Ok? What about him?

Blake : Be honest with us Pyrrha, how do you feel about [Y/N]?

Huh? Why are they asking me this?

Pyrrha : Well, he's been my closest friend since I was young, so of course he means a great deal to me.

Weiss : Have you ever thought of [Y/N] as....something more than a friend?

The Schnee's question causes Pyrrha's eyes to widen as her face heats up a little.

Pyrrha : W-what?! Where is this all coming from?!

Ruby : Pyrrha, you don't know this, but...

Yang : [Y/N] is in love with you!

Weiss/Blake : Yang!

Yang : What? She finally knows, that was the plan wasn't it?

[Y/N]...loves me? I....I never knew he felt that way about me. What is this warmth I'm feeling in my chest?

Pyrrha holds her hands close to her heart with her mind solely on [Y/N].

Yang : Look Pyrrha, he thinks you want to be with Jaune, so he's been willing to put his feelings for you aside...just to see you be happy.

Pyrrha : I had no idea. Truth be told, I've gotten over my feelings for Jaune a while ago but...[Y/N] really did that?

The four RWBY girls nod, causing Pyrrha to smile as she comes to a realization.

I understand now. This pleasant heat in my chest. I have feelings for [Y/N]. He's been by my side for a long time, but I never realized my love for him until now! I have to make things right!

She runs out of the room to [Y/N]'s dorm with Team RWBY following close behind.

Once she gets there, Pyrrha wastes no time in embracing him tightly.

[Y/N] : P-Pyrrha?! What are you-

Pyrrha : I'm sorry [Y/N]!

[Y/N] : Huh? About what Pyrr?

Pyrrha : For unintentionally hurting you while I was interested in Jaune. With some help, I finally understood that I love you [Y/N].

She says while looking into his eyes as he softly smiles.

[Y/N] : Hearing that makes me so happy. I love you too Pyrr.

The two share an extremely passionate kiss as Team RWBY look on and smile.

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