Dance the Night Away

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[F/C] = Favorite Color

: = Dialogue

Song - Love Of A Lifetime by Firehouse

Now let the story begin.

The time for the Beacon Dance has finally come, and first year student [Y/N] [L/N] is all dressed up in his [F/C] tux as he proceeds on his way to Team JNPR's dorm to take his girlfriend Pyrrha Nikos to the dance.

[Y/N] : Ok, if everything goes the way it should, Pyrrha and I will have a wonderful time tonight at the dance.

He quietly says to himself before knocking on JNPR's door, which opens to reveal his best friend Lie Ren.

[Y/N] : Hey Ren! Is Pyrrha ready to go?

Ren : Almost. Right now she's helping Jaune with his tie, he's been....having difficulties with it.

[Y/N] : Understandable. It took me longer than I'm willing to admit to do my own.

The two chuckle before Ren gives his friend a small smile.

Ren : I'll go check if Pyrrha is done helping Jaune now. Our poor leader's been stressing about this dance for the past few days.

[Y/N] : Can you blame him? Jaune's been crushing on Weiss since initiation, and now she's finally agreed to go to the dance with him. Maybe she's not such an Ice Queen after all?

Ren simply nods in agreement before going back into the dorm.

Moments later, Pyrrha comes out to greet her boyfriend while wearing a beautiful red dress.

Pyrrha : Hello [Y/N]! I hope I didn't keep you waiting long.

She gives him a kind smile as a blush appears on his face.

[Y/N] : N-not at all babe!

Pyrrha : Are you alright? Your face is really red.

[Y/N] : S-sorry about that Pyrr. It's just look absolutely gorgeous in that dress.

Now it's Pyrrha's turn to blush profusely.

Pyrrha : T-thank you [Y/N]. You look very handsome yourself in that [F/C] suit.

[Y/N] : Thanks. So, are we ready to go or should we wait for your team?

Pyrrha : We can leave now. Nora isn't quite ready yet, so Ren's going to wait for her, and Jaune's waiting for Weiss to text him to come pick her up.

[Y/N] : Well then...

He extends his hand out for Pyrrha to take.

[Y/N] : Shall we make haste to the dance now milady?

His girlfriend giggles before taking his hand with a smile.

Pyrrha : Of course. I've been looking forward to this [Y/N].

With that, the two make head off to the dance.


So far, everyone has been enjoying their time at the dance.

Nora is swinging Ren around like a ragdoll, not that he seems to mind that much.

Despite her tsundere attitude, Weiss is seen dancing with Jaune as a gentle smile forms on her face.

As for [Y/N] and Pyrrha, they're getting some punch while their classmates continue dancing.

Pyrrha : I've been having a great time with you here [Y/N], and I'm glad our friends seem to be as well.

[Y/N] : Me too Pyrr, but the night is far from over. In fact, the best part is yet to come.

He says as his girlfriend looks at him in confusion.

Pyrrha : What do you mean by that [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : You'll find out soon enough Pyrr. I'll be right back.

He walks away as Pyrrha wonders what he is planning.

Walking up to the DJ that Ozpin hired, [Y/N] whispers something into his ear as he nods and gives the first year a thumbs up.

Making his way back to where Pyrrha is waiting for him, [Y/N] smirks before approaching his girlfriend.

[Y/N] : So Pyrrha, care to dance?

He asks in a suave voice that she can't help but chuckle at.

Pyrrha : [Y/N], we've already been dancing together all night.

[Y/N] : I know, but I have a feeling this one will be special.

Curious as to what her boyfriend is up to, she agrees as they both head over to the dance floor as the DJ makes an announcement.

DJ : Ok everyone, I normally don't do requests, but a certain young man came up to me and asked for a special song for him and his girl, and I'm a sucker for romantic stuff like that, so here it is. Pyrrha Nikos, your boyfriend dedicates this song to you.

He says as Pyrrha's eyes widen as the music plays.

(Play music video below)

Pyrrha : [Y/N], you....did this for me?

She asks as he nods with a wide smile on his face.

[Y/N] : I did. This song is exactly how I feel about you. I love you so much Pyrr.

Her boyfriend's words causes the red haired girl to get a little emotional as she wipes a few happy tears away from her eyes.

Pyrrha : That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. When I came to Beacon, I didn't expect to find love, but lo and behold...I did, and I couldn't be happier about that. My mother told me when I was a little girl that there is someone out there for everyone, and she was absolutely right. Not long after you and I began dating, I realized that I have found my other half. My soulmate. I love you with all my heart [Y/N], and I know saying all this might be too soon, but I can't help how I feel.

[Y/N] : Everything you said....I feel the exact same way Pyrr. I love you too, and I can't imagine being with anyone else but you.

The two share a deeply passionate kiss as they begin slow dancing, their friends and peers all smiling at them as the beautiful song that [Y/N] requested continues playing.

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