Fighting Is My Jam (And also my Gem is my Jam)

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Where only one of our mercenaries finds the grand baetylus, but both find battle.

"We have to hurry and look around, it's almost their meeting time." Adam burst into the apartment, starting to tear the place apart.

"Relax, we know it's here. Even if they arrive we can handle them, whoever they are." Ezra walked slowly into the room.

White City was that kind of place that felt unlike the vast desert of the Empire it was in. Everything, even a small collection of rooms in a large building of some two-bit criminal was a nicer sight than some large homes in other towns. It made Erza hate the place all the more.

"You keep watch, I'm going to find it." Adam said, after ripping the couch and table asunder.

Adam ran into another room, and seemed to be doing the same thing there, as far as Ezra could tell.

The mage glanced out of the window, looking at the light of noon coming in. They'll have to find a place to stay here, likely near the plaza, and everything is expensive as shit there.

"Wait, don't tear everything apart, I want to use this place for the night. Adam! Hey, are you listening?" Ezra shouted into the house, but all he heard was more things breaking.

"Great." The mage leaned on the wall with a sigh and opened his spellbook.

The one thing that could comfort him was seeing the instructions for the spell use: runes, utterance and movement written down. It was like entering a trance, another world, where everything was simpler, better, more straightforward, and you got a clear reward for your efforts. While everything out here was a bunch of jumbled mess where even if you did everything right, and everything looked fine, things would still shit on you.

"You don't look like Noug." A raspy voice was heard.

A human, bearing bright red eyes, stood at the open door, wearing a deep brown cloak with deep blue on the inside of it, and a stylish half-open loose fitting shirt of grey-black colour with various rich colours on the edges of its design.

"I'm very tall for a goblin." Ezra closed his book with a Thud, and put it back on his belt.

"Where's the grand evershard?" The red eyed man narrowed his eyes.


Adam was scavenging what looked like the toilet, which meant a few horribly stinking buckets in a small wooden room, a fenced window somewhat lessening the scent, and darkness. This is the last room, it has to be here somewhere here. Why did the goblin have to be so insistent on not telling them where it was in his apartment? He wouldn't have to punch him unconscious again if he had. He could never understand the tenacity of some people. If you know you've lost, drop out with the cards you have and get out. The goblin had luck that the two of them are good people, if they weren't he'd be dead in that alleyway instead of just unconscious.

Adam tossed the entire room. After doing so he couldn't smell anything other than shit, and he was getting more and more annoyed at this over time. He had to find the grand evershard before Ezra, before whoever Noug is going to meet gets here, that way he could have something in case he needs to drop this entire Three City Mercs deal and find a new place. But where the Inferion damnit is that crystal?! CrrrnchShhhHHAAinnkKkk Adam crushed his fist onto the wooden floor.

"Sha-Shink?" Adam glanced confused down at the wooden floorboards. Then it hit him. Then he hit them. And as they crushed, he saw a sack inside. Reaching, he pulled it open from the tightly woven rope enclosing it, and 'lo and behold- an evershard the size of his head, glowing in a deep, purple light upon his smiling face.

"Meeorrrrwwwww" Adam glanced back at that sound, seeing at the edge of a window in the bedroom behind him two things.

One, a black and yellow cat, who mewled.

The other was a bundle of chains attached to a human-like creature, with some of the varying chains stretched around and clinging to the wall and window.

"That grand evershard is mine." The chained creature commented.

Adam closed the bag with the crystal within it, and put it on his belt, "What crystal?"

"MreeeoowUHHHOOOMMMMMMMMMMmmkkrrEEEEeee!" The cat jumped out of the window and into a lower floor. As all of a sudden the entire living room deeper into the house from where they were exploded all the way into the bedroom's front door, which was adjacent to the latrine Adam was in, in a blast of fire.

"We have company!" Ezra's voice came through after the initial explosion faded, and all that remained was fire.

"Same here. Did you kill it?" Adam shouted back.

He stood up and the chained creature landed in the bedroom upon the now skewed bed, the chains that helped it climb up detaching from the walls and snapping back to it. Once it fully turned to Adam, the warrior could see the clear white eyes that hid behind all of the rattling metal.

"No. You?" Ezra shouted as more, lesser booms were heard from the front of the apartment.

"I'll let you know." Adam took out his katana and steadied the blade, pointing it toward his opponent.

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