Chapter 20: A piece of me that I don't know

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Eight years had passed since we first met, and I found myself growing attached to The Child's presence. He had grown much taller, his eyes becoming sharper, yet they softened at the sight of me. It was amusing.

Recently, he had been talking about his goal in cultivation—to attain immortality and become stronger.

"Mo Yun, I'm going to be in Master's room again. He will be teaching me how to control my spiritual qi today."

"But he himself has yet to reach immortality. What can you learn from him?" I scoffed.

"Master says that immortality is not his goal. He simply wishes to spread Grandmaster's teachings to others. Isn't that a noble goal?" he replied earnestly, turning towards the door as he donned his outer robe.

"I'll accompany you."

Huang JunJie, being Lord Huang's son, might have shared a common interest in ruining other people's lives and he might have valuable insights or weaknesses worth observing.

Inside Huang JunJie's room, I emitted a scent that only I could smell to mask the overpowering smell of the incense burner, which I detested the most. Taking a seat, I carefully observed the interaction between the two. The Child sat before Huang JunJie, his focus fixed on the surging energy within him as Huang JunJie transferred his own to him.

It took longer than I had expected. Midnight came and went. I couldn't allow myself to be too engrossed in this session—I needed to return to The Grim City.

"Mo Yun," The Child called out to me as I dozed off.

"Don't you want Master to examine your inner qi?"

I glanced at the aged hand behind The Child's back, a feeling of discomfort creeping over me as I returned the glare Huang JunJie directed my way.

"No need. Dawn is approaching, so I'll leave now. Don't stay here too long, Damu Lan," I replied, standing from the chair.

"Mo Yun," The Child called out again as I made my way to the door. I paused, my movements halted.

"I'll see you in the afternoon," he said, his face beaming with a smile.

I nodded and without looking aback, I left the room.

It was just before dawn, so I headed straight to The Grim City in my raven form.

I sat down to write my diaries, Yin Xuan stood by the door.

For some reason, behind the black mask I had given him, I could no longer discern his expression.

Yin Xuan reminded me of the servant who used to attend to me in Lord Huang's mansion. Although her name had long faded from my memory, her figure remained blurry in my mind, but the expression she wore when she looked at me and in her final moments was still vivid and clear.

"Yin Xuan," I called out to him. "What do you make of me?"

"My lord is my lord. I see myself as my lord's servant," he replied respectfully

"Yin Xuan," I called again. "Would you be willing to risk your life if I were in danger?"

There was a brief pause before he finally bowed and responded.

"I would consider it an honor to do so."

He was lying.

No one would sacrifice their life for me.

I was just a mere child, yet no one was willing to extend a helping hand.

And now, as an adult, a devil at that, why would anyone risk their life for me?

I Will Leave Before DawnWhere stories live. Discover now