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(Sana pov)

"Do I have anything to do today?" I asked coldly to the other person in he room, which I still don't know the name of. They've been in my company for what? 3-ish years? I don't remember nor could I be bothered to remember.

"Erm... you only have one meeting today in 30 minutes for your new secretary" I looked up at the woman and shot her a glare.

"That's all?" I asked while she nodded, shuffling in her seat 

"Yes President Minatozaki" she said quietly. I felt very annoyed by her mere presence now, as to why. I'm not sure either

"Out of my office!!" I yelled as i watched the woman rush out of my office clutching her clipboard with her head hung low

I should fire her. If I do, it'll be one less thing to worry about. First are these incompetent employees, then there are those who claim they are rising above me? Not only are the empty promises but they are also broadcasting this shit everywhere they can get their dirty hands on. 

It isn't a complete lie that the mass empire my ancestors have established didn't involve some sneaky dealings or hidden ties. But what I have? What I have now, I built from the ground up. I showed them that I didn't need the money nor the companies my father had. Look at me now, I've out grown them, my empire is mine and mine only. That isn't to say I don't love being in the mafia of course. The thrill I get from the killings and fights are unmatched to say the least.

*knock knock* "President Minatozaki, the secretary is here early, do you have time to see her?" Early? Why would she be here early? That's a first, usually people would want to avoid being here so quickly. I guess she's different then

"See her in"

The door opened and I was met with a gorgeous woman with smooth jet black hair that swayed with every move she took, her eyes were a beautifully colored brown shade that I couldn't seem to get my own eyes off of. Appearance wise, she was my ideal type, my ideal wife.

"Greetings President Minatozaki" the woman politely greeted and bowed at a 90 degree angle, nothing I wasn't used to but I noticed a slight strain on her face as she bowed, and for a 21 year old that didn't seem right.

I nodded and gestured for her to sit down in front of me, again, when she walked over I saw some discomfort in her movements like she was injured.

"I've looked at your resume and I can say that you do indeed are a woman of many talents, what can you tell me about yourself?" I asked and leaned back into my chair comfortably 

"As you know, I am 21 years of age, I currently attend Sky Harbor College, I majored in economics and business management as well as a minor in foreign language and psychology" she answered rather quickly and formally, I don't usually see these qualities in younger people these days, plus her majors and minors would be a great help if she became my secretary

"Very well, you're hired" I need to see a doctor. What is wrong with me?

"Oh. Thank you President Minatozaki, when can I start?"

"Do you have classes still?"

"Just one later in the afternoon"

"You can start right now up till then, when does it end?" I'm not quite sure why I'm asking so many questions about this woman but it felt right

"Starts at 4 and ends at 7" why was one class 3 hours long? I wanted to ask her what class it was but she might think I'm asking too many questions 

"Oh and just to be sure, where is the office I'll be working from?" She was rather calm when asking, which peaked my curiosity massively 

"Well yes, it's a door down from my office, but I'd like it to be moved here. So finally decision is that you'll be working in my office." I picked up my phone and dialed a number

"Have the items in office 4A be moved over to mine. Immediately" i hung up the phone and turned to look at Y/n, she had a slightly confused look but I didn't mind it too much. I seemingly couldn't get my eyes off her, she was perfect. Her jawline was sharp but narrow, she had a tall nose bridge and her lips were perfectly plump as well as her crescent shaped eyes. She was perfect—

"President Minatozaki???" The door suddenly slammed open and came in a running man, his name? No idea. 


" I was given commands to move everything from office 4A to here??is that correct??" He forced out as he was trying to catch his breathe 

"Yes that is, you oppose per se?" 

"O-of course n-not" he replied stumbling over his words

"Then scram!!!" I yelled angrily standing up from my desk and slamming my hand on the table rather harshly, couldn't help but notice that Y/n slightly brought her hands up to cover her face and let out a crooked breath

After the door closed I sat down and sighed for god knows how many times already today 

"These people are insufferable" I said to myself but I'm sure Y/n caught wind of that and only looked down

"Would you like me to go help them?" She asked softly in a tone that made me feel something that I'd never felt before

"No. They can handle that themselves, and if they can't I'll fire them." After those words left my mouth, the latter across from me just nodded and fiddled with her hands, something in me  just felt like I had to ask if she was ok or not... but I couldn't my mouth wouldn't move and I felt myself tense a bit after seeing the troubled look on her face.

What's wrong with me?

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