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Looking around the main hall of the large mansion, Y/n  couldn't help but wonder if Sana ever got lonely in such a large manor. Sure there were servants, but Sana seemed as if she didn't even know all their names. 

"Do you live here all alone?" Sana was following close behind while Y/n was wandering around, starstruck at what she was seeing. 

"Hm? Yeah I did,"


"I won't be after you move in Darling," Sana sent a wink at Y/n and simultaneously placed a kiss on her lips

Although the kiss was quick, Y/n could clearly taste the sweetness of her lips and her vanilla scented perfume. It was so addicting to Y/n, she could feel her heart beating erratically at such simple actions.

 "Come on, let me show you the upstairs," Sana softly grabbed Y/n's hand and raced up the stairs with a small smile plastered on her face

Everything appeared in slow motion for Y/n as she was being dragged up the stairs, all she could think about was Sana's enchanting features, her bright smile, her diamond like eyes, everything was just so perfect about her. 

"Just how many rooms do you have up here??" Sana stopped in her tracks and thought carefully before answering 

"Truthfully, I don't remember the exact number, but you can ask Maxwell or any of the other servants if you'd like," Y/n was in shock, was this not a big deal for the Young Mistress? Was she this rich that she doesn't even know how many rooms there are in this huge manor? "Come on, it's late you should get some rest. You have school tomorrow right?" Y/n had forgotten. 

"Oh yeah I forgot about that," Y/n laughed nervously, avoiding Sana's eyes. Sana took note of this odd behavior, but said nothing "don't you have a meeting tomorrow as well?"

"I do, but I'll tell you about that later, go and wash up first," Sana pointed down at one of the rooms and explained that everything Y/n could ever need was already there so there wouldn't be any reason for her to worry. Y/n just responded with a nod and walked towards the room


On the other hand, the servants were chatting amongst themselves about this mysterious women that the Young Mistress had brought home. 

"I don't believe my eyes! The Young Mistress has bought home a women??" One whispered to the other, for all the time they have served the Minatozakis, they never would've imagined that she would find a lover. The Young Miss always turned down her suitors, from the most important to the wealthiest, eventually, the Master just stopped finding suitors for his daughter, it was pointless having the Young Miss refuse them all anyway.

"I thought I was hallucinating when I first saw her! Although, the Young Miss has good taste, the Young Madame is rather exquisite and pulchritudinous," They failed to notice the creeping presence behind them while they were immersed in their conversation

"What might you all be discussing?" Maxwell's deep and commanding voice boomed throughout the large front foyer.


"Get back to work, we have a lot to prepare for the Young Mistress and Madame!" They all scrambled back to their tasks. 

"Oh? Maxwell commanding the others again?" Another voice emerged from Maxwell's left, he knew this voice very well, too well

"What do you want now?" The other smiled ominously before slithering towards him like a snake

Chuckling slightly, they spoke, "I don't believe you have any right to be commanding them like that, after all, you yourself fell from grace." Maxwell's blood ran cold. He swept his hands behind him and turned around, only to be met with nothing but  thin air.

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