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Song of the Chapter: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

"Do you guys remember when we went ice skating and Amanda kept falling over herself!" Louis couldn't help but laugh at the memory. We met up in the parking lot after school ended, luckily for us, Niall had apparently picked them up this morning. I've missed this, I've missed them.

"What no way! You were the one falling on your butt the entire time!" I kept on laughing as we got out of my car. 

"Seems like you guys are having fun," Harry said as he walked across our lawn. Great... why does he seem to pop up at every turn?

"Oh definitely, having her back is the best thing ever!" Liam puts one arm around me and Louis puts his arm around me too.

"We are just reminiscing!" Louis smiles.

"Okay, I've got popcorn and movies. Let's go!" I suggested, we started to walk to my house when Harry started to talk.

"Can I come over?" I am beyond confused at the scheme he's trying to pull, but with both Liam and Louis looking at me practically waiting for me to say yes, I surrendered my small battle with this boy.

"I guess," I turn to the boys, "okay do we want to hang out in the living room or in my room?"

"Your room!" Louis marched into the house and up the stairs like this was his house and not mine.

"Third door on the left!" I yelled 

"Got it!"

"He's the best," I said I walk to the kitchen to get snacks seeing a note with $40 bucks sitting on top of it.

"Pizza?" Liam knew exactly what the note might say. 

I picked up the money and the note, 'Dad and I will be late tonight, order something for dinner. Love you, Mom.'

"I was thinking Chinese today." I quirk an eyebrow at Liam before noticing Harry just staring at me again. What is his deal, can't he see that it's kind of weird? I call in the order before we join Louis upstairs. He is just sitting on the bed shuffling through the movies on Netflix.

"I like your room, it's so much bigger than the other one." Louis approves as he looks over to the bay window, "your room is right next to Harry's!"

I actually look over and can see his room, gosh are we in Taylor Swift's music video? 

"Well now I got to remember to close the curtains before I change," Liam and Louis laughed and I hear my phone start to ring.

"Can you guys pick out a movie while I check something?"

"Sure thing!" Louis cheered as they looked on Netflix.

The number isn't saved to my contacts, I wonder who it could be?


"Sweetheart,"  My body instantly stills. "God, it's good to hear your voice.  I miss you, do you know that? You gave me quite the bruise with your little escape plan. I'll be sure to pay you back for that, sweet girl."

"Jace, Leave me the hell alone," he chuckles at the sudden balls I have gained. I hear Liam and Louis go silent, I turn to them, feeling my blood run cold.

"Oh, it looks like my little sweetheart has forgotten her place. Don't worry, you'll remember when I see you again."

The line goes dead, I fall to my knees and the air is suddenly gone from my lungs. What did I just do? I am going fucking insane, he's going to kill me. My hands pull on my hair, "he called me. I can't breathe."

"Shit," Harry cursed under his breathe as Liam ran his hands through his hair. I felt sick to my stomach, I ran to the bathroom only to empty my stomach of its contents. Louis held my hair back as I continue to dry heave up a storm. I sat on the bathroom floor, feeling scared. I felt my body start to shake as I hear Jace's voice ring through my head.

"I'll teach that pretty mouth some manners," He would say that if I ever talked back to him. My mind races with the images of him back in that basement, I don't want to go back. I can't, I've barely recovered and trying to move past all of this.

My hands started to pull the hair on my head, "I am going to be punished. I've been a bad girl, I am going to be punished." It is as if I'm a broken record player that keeps repeating the same lines over and over again. My nails dig into my scalp and I groan in agony. I can't be taken back into the darkness, I want to stay in the light with them. "Please don't take me."

"Mani?" Louis's voice is quiet, and I slowly look at him. 

My breathing is ragged and tears have fallen without me noticing. Louis wipes away my tears and I tried to open my mouth to speak but no sound would come out. My body was shaking and I could not stop. I felt cold and my body slowly started to feel numb, all I could hear was my own screaming from memories I tried to erase deep within my mind. My eyes were glued to my hands, I just kept watching them tremble before I see them covered by another. I gasped slightly at the warm sensation. I look into green eyes and they soften. I just threw myself at Harry and started weeping on impact into his chest.  

Harry just sits there rubbing my back and occasionally runs his fingers through my hair. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look to see Liam. He hands me my pills, they help with my anxiety or paranoia. I give him a smile and a small thank you before taking one. Harry pulls me off the bathroom floor and leads me to my bed. I lay down in harry's arms and slowly drift off to sleep.

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