Chapter 14

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"I want Tristan to come with me, and any soldiers that he thinks are ready for real combat need to be geared up and ready to go," I said to Kyler as I repacked my bag with the necessary weapons.

He and the rest of the soldiers had arrived shortly after Noella fell asleep. No casualties, and as far as injuries went, they were all healed by now.

Kyler nodded, again trusting me without question.

"I'll have them all ready to go in twenty," he stated confidently.

"And I want you to stay here with Noella," I added quickly as I ducked out of my room.

"Wait, what?"

His steps were fast to catch up to mine, his glare burning a brand into the side of my head.

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Because I told you to."

He scoffed. "No way. You need me."

"You're right. I need you to stay here with Noella." He opened his mouth but I quickly said, "The rogues could be planning to attack while I'm gone. They had to have known I would hunt them after what they did, and this could all be an elaborate plan to get me away."

He took a deep breath, his jaw ticking once, twice, before he let out a giant sigh.

"Fine, but you better come back here in one piece."

My lips twitched. "Aww, Ky, are you worried about me?"

"Shut up," he said, but I heard the humour in his voice.

"I will try my hardest to come back to you, sugerbun," I cooed at him.

He shoved my shoulder, and I laughed all the way out the door.



There was someone in my room. I knew because the window opening woke me up. The creak and slide of the glass floated around the room until my conscious decided it was time to come back.

Shuffling began faintly at first, but then it got louder like it was right beside me.

My eyes shot open, finding familiar brown ones staring back at me.

Everything inside of me paused before rushing back in a giant force as I beheld my father before me.

"Hey there, kiddo," he greeted, a giant smile on his face.

All of the air in my lungs left in a massive exhale, breathing becoming exponentially hard as stared at him, trying and failing to come to terms with the fact that my father was standing in front of me.

"Listen, I know this has gotta be hard to grasp, but we don't have a lot of time," he said in a rush.

He grabbed my boots from the floor and slipped them on my feet before grabbing my coat and gesturing for me to stand up.

My brows furrowed, sense finally starting to return.

"What do you mean? Everyone here is going to be so happy when they find out you're here!" I said, getting excited. "Although I can't for the life of me figure out why they wanted to find you as bad as I did, but they did, and now we can finally stop searching and-"

"Noella, I know you're excited, but we have to leave now."

I shook my head, a smile blooming on my lips.

"No, we don't. I promise it's safe here. They've all been searching for you, and we can't leave without telling them."

His grip was gentle but rough all at once as he guided me off the bed and toward the window.

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