Chapter 20

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I figured I should probably stop staring at her at some point, but every time I tried, my eyes whipped right back, like magnets on a fridge. I couldn't help it.

Her little brown curls that rested along her shoulders, some rogue strands fluttering on her collarbone. Her little nose that scrunched now and then with nerves. Her eyebrows that twitched downward every few seconds. The white t-shirt that left entirely too much to the imagination, the tight, pink cotton pants that begged my eyes to drift south. Brown swirls of curiosity that seemed to twinkle in the light and-

And they were looking right at me.

I cleared my throat, cheeks heating slightly as I shifted my gaze to the plate in front of me. I shouldn't be embarrassed. She was my mate, but until I found a good time to reveal that little tidbit, I couldn't look like a complete creep staring at her.

Have you forgotten the way her eyes mapped out our entire body in the bedroom earlier? My wolf asked, voice full of a heat that grabbed my desire right back out of its hiding place.

I had almost cleared my head of it until you so helpfully reminded me, I gritted out.

I'm so happy to be of service. If I have to live with the feel of her body and eyes on us playing a repetitive circle in my head, then so do you.

I shifted, trying to ease the growing warmth travelling somewhere I didn't want it right now.

You are such an ass sometimes, you know? I asked, irritated.

My reputation is very fragile. I have to keep it up at all times, lest you think I've forgiven you for shoving me in the recesses of your horrific mind, my wolf said with a shudder.

"Why do you all do that?" Noella asked, startling me back to the breakfast table.

I swallowed, shifted again, and fiddled with my hands all to get her body out of my head.

Would you rather I project a different image? My wolf asked. Perhaps naked would be better or-

I slammed my walls up with a single, forceful shove.

"Do what?" I asked Noella, my voice a little too tight.

She gestured at her eyes as she said, "Your eyes go all blurry. Almost like a mist is drawn over them."

Oh shit.

There was no explanation besides the one where I told her I was a wolf. I was not ready for this. This time with her feels precious, withering with every minute that passed, and I want to soak up every second that she gave me. I didn't want to spend the little time I had left with her being scared of me.

I rubbed the back of my neck, mind scrambling and words desperately trying to form on my tongue but leaving before I could spit them out.

"I, umm-" I started but was interrupted.

"I don't have time for this nonsense!" Came a loud voice from behind the swinging door that led to the kitchen. "Don't you know the Luna is in that room, waiting for food that you are incapable of making?! I can't give my future leader a burnt pancake with even more burnt bacon! You fix it, or I fix another person to your position. You understand?"

I knew I would regret telling my head cook about Noella being my mate, but when she got suspicious of my keeping a human girl around, I had to give her something. Plus, after I told Cara, my headmaid, she was bound to spill it to Marlene sometime. Those two gossip more than two old ladies out to tea after five years apart.

Stuttered mumbles on the other side came from a frightened-sounding boy, and then Marlene was walking through the door, a bright pink apron tied around her waist and red hair pulled up into a bun on the top of her head.

"I am sorry," she said, her accent clinging to the words. "I hired a new assistant yesterday, and he still needs some practice. Your patience would be very appreciated."

Noella smiled, her effortless charm making my heart beam with pride at the fact that I might get to lead beside her one day.

"Of course," She said brightly. "I'm rather good at cooking and could help-"

"No, no!" Marlene looked horrified as she continued, "That would be incredibly improper. I will have the food ready soon, I promise."

And then she was gone again, lightning fast.

Noella just stared at the door she left through, a dazed look on her face.

"Improper?" She finally asked quietly. "Are you guys like, royalty or something?"

A chuckle broke free, and an even more confused look graced her features.

"No, not royalty," I said. "Marlene is just quite fond of new guests, and she hates disappointing them in the food department."

She made a humming sound, face contemplating as she looked to the door again.

"So, how many people live in this giant building?"

I smiled, loving that she was getting more comfortable here and asking questions.

"Well, despite its size, it's only Marlene, my head cook. Cara, my head maid. Rowan, when he pleases. Tristan, if he feels up to it, and then just a few other people who help around with the upkeep."

Her eyes looked awed as she asked, "Then why is it so big? This place could house like a hundred people if you wanted."

I glanced around the place with an appreciation that appeared anytime I took a second to stop and look.

"I don't know why it's so big. It was built before even my father's father was born. It's been here forever. Maybe all of these rooms were filled at one point, but as time went on, people slowly started to trickle out."

There was a kind of warmth in her gaze when I looked back that had tingles erupting up my neck, aware of every second her eyes stayed on my body. Aware of every ounce of attention she gave me.

"You talk with a sense of purpose," she started, cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink. "Like no words can be wasted. Like every sentence is a story needing to be told. It's admirable."

My heart throbbed, light and heavy all at once.

My eyes drifted down without my permission, eyeing the plush pink lips I had denied myself the pleasure of looking at all morning, and her breath caught.

My gaze lifted again, only to find that her eyes were staring at my lips, and I barely restrained a smirk from lifting as I leaned closer. Just one touch. One graze to ease the incessant desire eating away at my mind. One taste to lift the pressure of want from my heart. One brush to ease the fog of heat in my head. Just one-

"Two perfect breakfasts coming through!" Marlene announced as the door swung open.

I settled back in my seat, ignoring the way my heart pulsed with disappointment.

I snuck a glance to the side and was relieved to see that my disappointment was not one-sided.

Good to know this attraction went both ways. Now we just needed to see how to expand it into something more.

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