Chapter 18

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I've searched every known and unknown rogue location that anybody could possibly think of, and I still have nothing. I'm panic driven, fear riding and anxiety running. I'm a mess, my wolfs a mess, everything is a mess. All because Noella isn't safe.

I can't think straight, can't think of anything at all besides the fact that I don't know where she is and that she's likely in danger.

I have been looking almost all day, but It's like she vanished off the face of the earth.

I halt, my brain turning, rolling with the possibilities I just set in place.

Off the face of the earth, or off the face of the forest?

He took her to the human's side? My wolf asks.

I clench my jaw as I reply, only one way to find out.

Meet me at the edge of the forest, and bring Tristan, I mindlink Kyler.

Nobody could search with me given my panic hewn races across the forest, so I'm alone in this discovery. If Foxley took her to the human side, then to the humans side we will go.



He brought me back to the other side. The normal side, or some say, the safer side.

It's not safer, not in the chilled dark as the sun says its final goodbyes. Not in the snow and cold when all I have is a light jacket and boots that are already soaked from that wolf's spit. It's a mess of search and survival.

Something icy hits my nose, and I swipe it away before another one hits my cheek, and then my eyelash, and then my lip.

I glance up, almost growling at the earth's humour. Of course it would be snowing when it's already freezing cold outside. My toes start to tingle, and I wiggle them as much as I can, but eventually, they go numb, and I'm left with wobbling feet that stumble through the dark.

My fingers ache in my pockets, already succumbing to the early stages of frostbite, and I clench them into fists as I walk faster.

I think I know where I'm going. The Old Man's Cabin resides about five minutes to my left, so, if I'm correct, that would mean if I keep walking straight, I'll hit the edge of the forest in 16ish minutes give or take. It's not that long. I can last 16 minutes, and then I'll find a pack. Any pack besides a rogue one would be good, and I can warm up in their house while I sort my head out.

Everything is going to be fine. It will be. I know it will.

A giant gust of wind slams into my side, my body so rigid with cold that I stumble into the snow, my hands reaching out to catch my fall and landing in the plush white clouds.

Or fabric. It could be fabric.

But it feels more like cotton balls or marshmallows. Soft white marshmallows that you could just lie your head in and-


I think I may have forgotten what my name was.... Is my brain trying to remind me?


I could sleep forever to the sound of that voice. rich and deep and oh so beautiful. Like the melody of a song you play for hours.

"The human side is massive, Alpha. She could be anywhere from here to in a different state by now."

"We're not leaving until we find her. Just keep looking."

There's that voice again. And, maybe footsteps? That can't be right. I'm sleeping, not walking.

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