Chapter 1

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Today marked the third year Hertzo was damned to hell, apparently, when she approached the pearly gates, she was denied. With no reason.

So,  she was meant to rot.. in hell.

When she manifested, she was beautiful. Only not as beautiful as she was as a human.

She had long, beautiful black to green hair, with her usual bangs.

Her eyes.. the whites of her eyes were black, and the color of her eyes were green. A beautiful emerald green.

Her skin was a pale gray, looking like an actual corpse. But, beautiful nonetheless.

She was much taller, standing at 6'2.

And her clothing was just as beautiful. A black blouse, and black skirt with embroidered floral patterns at the end. Her hands were covered with black velvet gloves, with floral patterns as well. Topped off with black heels.

If she'd seen herself in person, as.. a human. She would look up to this person. But, she didn't notice how.. large her mouth was. When she smiled, large teeth sharpened to a point showed themself.

"Oh my.." Her voice was also different, it was much lower, and sophisticated.

That was three years ago though. Now, she is a demon overlord. Still owning her looks. Only she had her hair tied up into a high bun with her bangs hanging out.

How did she become an overlord? Good question!

After she was there for a month, she realized she had.. powers of some sort. She could manifest vines and flowers. Going from vines that simply were tiny and couldn't do any damage but tie someone up for a moment. To vines that could pierce any modern age creation. An example like a wannabe overlord, known as Sir Pentious, his ship. She always had run-ins with him.

And she always won.

When she realized though, she had accidentally coughed up flower petals. She wondered if she could use these.. to climb ranks.

She tested it on simple homeless people, seeing vines pierce their stomach and blood spilling onto the floor. She realized she could do some real havoc with this new found information.

She began targeting lower overlords, marking her kills with Queen Lime Zinnia's. Only the pink being replaced with blood.

When the overlords realized their overlord would go missing, they began to investigate, finding large flowers blooming from their bodies.

This was her new reign.

During one of her kills, another.. problem.. had caught her. Quickly stopping her as she marked another kill. Her wrists being restrained behind her.

When they spoke, all she said, "Give me power"

This wasn't a deal.. only a proposition.

This was the day she got under a contract with a demon with higher power than any of the overlords.

Now, she's walking around town, people cowering at her very view. She carried a green and black parasol, small vines wrapping around it.

She walked tall, and elegantly. Her steps flowing like a snake, nobody could tell her feet were even moving.

As she walked by a window, she noticed a television broadcasting a new meeting. The supposed princess of hell, explaining a Redemption Hotel and escape the exterminations.

"What a joke.." She spoke to herself, smirking at the show. She looked to her left, seeing this giant hotel that the broadcast was speaking of.

She raised a brow, what a coincidence. She turned, beginning to walk towards the building. Her beautiful black and green hair flowing in the wind, she smirked as she saw demons fighting and shedding blood.

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