Chapter 3

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As Hertzo left her room, she noticed the place looked more and more cleaned up. The wallpaper wasn't peeling in some places, and there wasn't cob-web everywhere.

She walked down the stairs, noticing the bar. She approached, sitting down on the chairs, smiling as the bartender noticed her.

"Well hello there, new face I see.-" Hertzo gives him a sweet smile, added with her low and sophisticated voice. "-Who may you be?"

He growled, while cleaning a glass with a cloth. "Husker. You're the Floral Demon or something like that, huh?"

Her green and black eyes furrowed, indicating her anger. "I am. You seem..-" A green aura showed itself, "-Irritated."

Anyone could tell visually, they were going to have issues. But, she didn't know how the poor cat got here. "No. Just don't really like dickheads who dress horribly."

"Not very respectful, are we-"

Hertzo was cut off by Alastor popping up next to her, "Husker! My dear, have you met Hertzo yet?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Husker flinched, as Hertzo grinned ear to ear, "We have just met, darling.-" Hertzo turned to Alastor, removing his hand from her shoulder. "-Also. I'd prefer if you didn't touch me as I already have a partner I'm awaiting!"

Alastor's eyes widened, "So sorry dear! I hope it's okay. I truly am sorry." He wiped his hand off on his coat, a worried look showing a bit. "It's alright. Now, Husker. Would you like to say what you told me earlier?"

Both of the overlords turned to Husker, both emitting auras that was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. "Ah.. no. I'm alright."

Hertzo smirked, flipping some hair behind her neck. "Fantastic. Alastor dear, would you like to get to know one another?" She asked politely, summoning her parasol of which she held at her waist.

"Of course! I have been...-" He smirked, "-Yearning to know who you are!"

She nodded, they walked to the fireplace, taking a seat as Alastor lit the fireplace. The room becoming nice and toasty. "So, allow me to start."

Hertzo put a leg over her other, "The radio demon? That's quite an interesting name."

"I could say the same for you! The floral demon is also an interesting name. How did it..-" He placed his hands on his knee. "-Come of?"

Hertzo giggled, "I mark my killings with Queen Lime Zinnia. I grow them from my very blood."

Alastor raised a brow, "Care to demonstrate?"

She nodded, gently grabbing her parasol, specifically taking off the handle from the rest of it. It was revealed to be a knife.

She held it to her arm "I apologize if this is a horrid sight, but who am I to care?" She then dragged it across, blood oozing.

Hertzo's eyes then turned into her famous petal eyes, and her blood shifted into the very Queen Lime Zinnia.

"Another thing about them is that whenever.. I make them so they will never die. So-" She plucked the flower from the cut, as it healed quickly. "-You may keep this."

She handed it to Alastor, "Thank you very much." The two seemed to be having a great time, having said that they had never formally met before.

"I've heard that you are also an overlord, is that true?" Hertzo asked as she put her blade back into her parasol. "Why yes it is! I unfortunately found myself here after revenge in the living world."

Hertzo's head tilted, curious with this revenge. "Revenge, hm? I was.. sadly murdered. Taken from someone I await to join me."

"Oh? Who may this someone be?" He pried, he leaned forward smirking. As if he was a high-school girl gossiping. "The love of my life! Alas.. I was killed the day after our anniversary.

"Well that's no good. I truly hope he can.. join you soon." His voice dropped when he spoke in such a manner, almost sending shivers down her spine. "Well, of course. But I want him to live a good life as well!-" She spoke, with a slight chuckle in her voice. "-The sad thing is I can't remember his name."

Alastor raised a brow, "I can only remember his face. How handsome he was, that's all." She spoke once more, letting her hands rest on her knee. Brushing her lovely black and green hair out of the way of her face.

He only nodded, letting out a light hearted hum. "Definitely an interesting story, I must say. I believe I had a similar occurrence."

Most people think that overlords are threatening, always fighting, but in reality.. They have lighthearted conversations, with beautiful conversations.

Hertzo giggled, "We have a lot to share then, hm?" Alastor let out a chuckle, leaning back slightly as his eyes shut. "We do indeed!"

Their conversations lasted hours, taking the other members of the hotel by surprise. Angel Dust was quite surprised, taking a picture of the two as they laughed with each other. Charlie was excited that her members had taken a liking to each other, and Vaggie could care less.

Husker was a bit nervous about this occurrence. Two overlords, both owning millions of souls combined. One of them holding raw power nobody has ever seen before from a mortal. The other creating havoc whenever she pleased, gaining as much power as one member of the Goetia family.

These two could be unstoppable if they worked together more.

The two were like yin and yang, creating balance. The exact balance anyone needed.

Anyone could see the two working together, but.. There was a true reason why they didn't work together.

Or, a purposeful reason why Carmilla never chose them to work together.

What was that reason...?

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