Chapter 10

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Today marked the one week anniversary of Sir Pentious staying at the hotel.

Hammering and talking could be heard from the lobby. Alastor and Hertzo sat together, eating breakfast.

Which consisted of a deer.

They listened to light jazz music, which they both hummed along to whilst eating.

"I never would have thought raw deer would be so delicious!" Hertzo spoke, holding a large grin. "Why of course, I'm glad you enjoy it dear!"

They continued humming along to the music, then the door swung open.

Revealing Vaggie, "Alastor, Hertzo!" She spoke confidently, catching us off guard and Alastor mid way into eating a bite.

"Do you mind?-" Alastor spoke, bringing the fork to his mouth, "-We're in the middle of breakfast."

Hertzo giggled, putting a bite into her mouth and covering her mouth with her gloved hand.

"Pentious' eggs are all over the place, and I need you two to get rid of them."

Both overlords sprung out of their chairs, "Well in that case, we'd be delighted to!" Alastor spoke, teleporting himself in front of Vaggie, holding his cane.


Hertzo hummed, "That seems a lot less fun." She turned her head to the sign, emitting a gentle red hue, which quickly went away.

"But I suppose we can take care of them on our outing today." Alastor spoke as Hertzo took his arm, walking out of the room. Overhearing Vaggie say, "That's disgusting."

The two overlords walked out of the hotel and towards the city, they were going to a meeting regarding the extermination date.

By the time they where downtown, Pentious' eggs began to get way more annoying.

"I like your suit!"

"What's the parasol for?!"

"Can I touch your staff thing?"

"Your skirt looks cool!"

Alastors eyes twitched as Hertzo furrowed her eye brows, never losing her smile along with Alastor.

They where arm in arm, as a shadow showed itself in front of the two.

"Hark, Alastor with Hertzo." A voice spoke.

The shadow showed little color of green, "How fare thee this day?"

Alastor's eyes widened along with his smile, Hertzo only smiled. "Who's that boss?"

Hertzo looked to the eggs, "Want me to rough him up for you?" They with giving fists, as if they where going to fight an overlord.

"Follow in silence, if you value your shell." Hertzo spoke softly, crouching down to their level.

"Greetings Zestial!" Alastor spoke, a sinner had walked out of a an alley and spotted the three overlords speaking together.

"OH SHIT!" He ran off into the alley once more, being careful to make sure they didn't see him.

"Ah, the weather doth become this fine day. How art thou, Hertzo?" Zestial turned to Hertzo, smiling.

"I'm quite alright dear Zestial. How may you be on this day?" She asked, letting go of Alastor's arm.

"Indeed! Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon." Alastor leaned on his staff, speaking to Zestial. Across the street, was another sinner pouring gasoline on himself and lighting himself on fire.

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