Chapter 6

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The days passed, only 1 new member. Of which was Sir Pentious.

Today marked the day she was to meet up with Prince Stolas of the Goetia family. To discuss temporarily using his grimoire.

She went through her wardrobe, picking her most presentable outfit. A black semi-see-through blouse with floral patterns, a velvet dark green skirt that reached her ankles, and black heels.

She styled her hair in a half-up, half-down matter. As for her make-up, just simple mascara and eyeliner. Nothing too serious.

Hertzo looked beautiful as she left her room, making sure to lock it and bid farewell to her lover's photograph. When she stepped out, Charlie was in front of her door, about to knock.

"Oh, greetings Charlie! How are you doing on this fine morning?" She asked politely, leaning down to her level a bit. "Ah, I'm good..-" She spoke awkwardly, "-You look nice, where are you going?"

Hertzo smiled sweetly, "I have a meeting to attend, so I will be seeing myself out momentarily." The two began to walk side-by-side, downstairs. Seeing Angel and the bar and Alastor drinking tea.. or coffee.

"With who?" She asked, slightly leaning forward. "Someone regarding temporary privileges, it's a special day."

Charlie nodded, "Well okay. I hope you have fun at your meeting!"

Hertzo walked past the people, before turning as she got to the door. "Farewell! I'll be back soon." Then walking out, keeping a large smile as she swiped her hand, summoning her parasol.

She placed it over her shoulder as she made it to the elevator that transported people to different rings. She waited for the elevator that would take her to her destination.

The different sinners, imps, and other creatures cowered in her presence. She smirked, loving the feeling of power she had over such simple creatures.

The elevator arrived, allowing herself to step on and take a seat near the front. Her whole row was empty, as people around her purposely avoided sitting in her row. It was quite funny from her perspective.

She was there in no time, as she stepped off. It felt much hotter in this level, so she ceased her parasol so it would hopefully cool her off. When she stepped outside the transport, she noticed many imps, and hellhounds.

She scowled, before turning to the direction she needed to go. Taking in the scenery of hell. It was quite a populated area as there were many businesses around.

Most imp's didn't know who she was, as she stayed in the pride ring most of the time. As where most sinners are.

Hertzo traversed the city, before finding herself at the very palace where she was to meet Stolas. A large gate stood before her as she rung a bell outside, a camera placed right above it.

Shortly after she rang it, an imp showed itself. "And who might you be?" They asked.

"Greetings! I am Hertzo Leviathe! I'm here to discuss matters with Prince Stolas." She spoke elegantly, "Of course. Welcome."

The camera cut off as the gates opened and she stepped inside, a Prince opening the door shortly after she walked through the gates. "Hello! Pleasure to be personally meeting an overlord. I am Prince Stolas as you know." He introduced himself, his large figure towering a bit over her.

"Salutations to you as well! I am Hertzo, pleasure to be meeting you as well. Now, shall we go inside?" She asked politely, careful to not say the wrong things.

"Of course, follow me dear."

He led her through the large palace, taking in the scenery of different potted plants as she noticed a teenage girl, or.. owlette. Her attire was very dark, as she sat on her phone with her.. headphones in.

She paid no attention and kept following. "Your home is very lovely." She complimented. "Why thank you! I try my best to keep it clean around here."

They soon arrived to large doors that opened to a meeting room. He sat behind a desk, and Hertzo took a seat in front, placing her hands gently on her skirt.

"Now, I know you asked for this meeting regarding temporary access to the mortal world. Do you have any reason to do so?" He asked. She smiled, "Yes, I would love to stay for a couple of hours and visit my old town. Just to see how things have advanced, and hopefully cast an eye on an old friend."

Stolas nodded, "Of course. That's reasonable to ask. Now, in order to do this exchange I have a couple of rules."

She raised a brow, before crossing a leg over the other. "I ask that you only visit for a maximum of five hours. As I have.. other people that also temporarily use it. And, you must use a human disguise."

Hertzo nodded, moving some hair off of her shoulder. "Of course. I can do that, your highness." She spoke, making sure that she used the correct statements. After all, this man was stronger than her, and could do who knows what to her if she messed up.

"And you can of course bring ONE person along with you on this occasion." He added, making sure the one person rule was very clear. She immediately thought of bringing Alastor.

"Yes, of course."

Stolas smiled, "Great! I can give my grimoire now, if you so please."

"That would be great!" She agreed as Stolas grabbed his phone, dialing a number. "Excuse me for a moment." He stood up, stepping to the side.

He spoke quickly, she overheard some yelling from someone with a deeper voice. Before they agreed, "I'll come retrieve it, with my client." He spoke before hanging up.

"So sorry, but I need you to accompany me to retrieve my grimoire, I hope that's alright." He asked, his face looked guilty in a way. As if it was a burden for her.

"That's quite alright. I would love to see more of this town, it's quite..-" She paused for a moment. "-Interesting, as one would say."

"Perfect! I'll prepare a portal."

Hertzo stood up, wiping and soot or dust off of her skirt as she stood by Stolas.

A purple and blue portal began to conjure, Stolas lent his hand as the overlord took it. They stepped through, revealing a door that read; I.M.P.

'Interesting business name.' She thought.

Stolas knocked on the door, before a hellhound opened the door, she also had dark attire. But her expression was pissed. "Why hello Loona! I need to speak to my Blitzy!"

The hound groaned, "Blitz! Fuckin' Stolas is here."

Hertzo raised a brow at her words, paying little mind to it as Stolas stepped inside. She noticed two imps sitting on a couch, the female one's eye glistened as she laid her eyes on the overlord.

"Mox! It's Hertzo! The girl who runs the flower shop we went to the other day!" She spoke while shaking the man next to her. He was sipping something, but spat it out as he looked to her as well.

Hertzo flashed a smile, her sharp teeth showing. She did a small wave before returning to Stolas' side.

He stood in front of a door, revealing another imp with larger horns, and.. quite short. "Is this the 30's wannabe person you needed your fancy little book for?" He asked harshly.

His arms were crossed, "Why yes! This is my dear Hertzo, an overlord from the Pride Ring! She's quite a sweetheart." Stolas stood to the side, gesturing to the overlord who stood.

"Pleasure to meet you." Hertzo spoke, nodding her head to the imp. She despised imps, but had to make herself respectful, so she bit her tongue.

"Yeah, yea-" He paused, "-Wait, overlord? This girl is an overlord?" He asked Stolas once more, "Of course! She makes quite a name for herself."

The imp looked confused, "Eh, whatever here's your stupid book." The imp shoved a blue book into Stolas' hands before slamming the door shut and stepping inside in the progress.

Stolas' blinked his eyes, taken aback. "Well, goodbye my other imps, and hound!"

The two left, "Quite a visit.." She spoke.

"Well yes. Imp's aren't very respectable at times. But, they are some very kind people." Stolas spoke, "Everyone has opinions!"

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